蜥蜴吃纸,纸反驳Spock, br /> Spock蒸发了岩石。岩石一如既往地破碎剪刀。”

-Sheldon Cooper博士




public abstract class SelectionBase : IComparable<SelectionBase>
    public abstract int CompareTo(SelectionBase other);
    public string Name { get { return GetType().Name; } }
    public abstract string GetWinningVerb(SelectionBase other);


public class Rock : SelectionBase
    public override string GetWinningVerb(SelectionBase other)
        if (other is Scissors) return "crushes";
        if (other is Lizard) return "crushes";

        throw new InvalidOperationException("Are we playing the same game?");

    public override int CompareTo(SelectionBase other)
        if (other is Rock) return 0;
        if (other is Paper) return -1;
        if (other is Scissors) return 1;
        if (other is Lizard) return 1;
        if (other is Spock) return -1;

        throw new InvalidOperationException("Are we playing the same game?");

public class Paper : SelectionBase
    public override string GetWinningVerb(SelectionBase other)
        if (other is Rock) return "covers";
        if (other is Spock) return "disproves";

        throw new InvalidOperationException("Are we playing the same game?");

    public override int CompareTo(SelectionBase other)
        if (other is Rock) return 1;
        if (other is Paper) return 0;
        if (other is Scissors) return -1;
        if (other is Lizard) return -1;
        if (other is Spock) return 1;

        throw new InvalidOperationException("Are we playing the same game?");

public class Scissors : SelectionBase
    public override string GetWinningVerb(SelectionBase other)
        if (other is Paper) return "cuts";
        if (other is Lizard) return "decapitates";

        throw new InvalidOperationException("Are we playing the same game?");

    public override int CompareTo(SelectionBase other)
        if (other is Rock) return -1;
        if (other is Paper) return 1;
        if (other is Scissors) return 0;
        if (other is Lizard) return 1;
        if (other is Spock) return -1;

        throw new InvalidOperationException("Are we playing the same game?");

public class Lizard : SelectionBase
    public override string GetWinningVerb(SelectionBase other)
        if (other is Paper) return "eats";
        if (other is Spock) return "poisons";

        throw new InvalidOperationException("Are we playing the same game?");

    public override int CompareTo(SelectionBase other)
        if (other is Rock) return -1;
        if (other is Paper) return 1;
        if (other is Scissors) return -1;
        if (other is Lizard) return 0;
        if (other is Spock) return 1;

        throw new InvalidOperationException("Are we playing the same game?");

public class Spock : SelectionBase
    public override string GetWinningVerb(SelectionBase other)
        if (other is Rock) return "vaporizes";
        if (other is Scissors) return "smashes";

        throw new InvalidOperationException("Are we playing the same game?");

    public override int CompareTo(SelectionBase other)
        if (other is Rock) return 1;
        if (other is Paper) return -1;
        if (other is Scissors) return 1;
        if (other is Lizard) return -1;
        if (other is Spock) return 0;

        throw new InvalidOperationException("Are we playing the same game?");



public interface IUserInputProvider
    string GetValidUserInput(string prompt, IEnumerable<string> validValues);

public class ConsoleUserInputProvider : IUserInputProvider
    private string GetUserInput(string prompt)
        return Console.ReadLine();

    private string GetUserInput(string prompt, IEnumerable<string> validValues)
        var input = GetUserInput(prompt);
        var isValid = validValues.Select(v => v.ToLower()).Contains(input.ToLower());

        return isValid ? input : string.Empty;

    public string GetValidUserInput(string prompt, IEnumerable<string> validValues)
        var input = string.Empty;
        var isValid = false;
        while (!isValid)
            input = GetUserInput(prompt, validValues);
            isValid = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(input) || validValues.Contains(string.Empty);

        return input;


class Program
        "Scissors cuts paper, paper covers rock, 
         rock crushes lizard, lizard poisons Spock, 
         Spock smashes scissors, scissors decapitate lizard, 
         lizard eats paper, paper disproves Spock, 
         Spock vaporizes rock. And as it always has, rock crushes scissors." 

                                                          -- Dr. Sheldon Cooper

    static void Main(string[] args)
        var consoleReader = new ConsoleUserInputProvider();
        var consoleWriter = new ConsoleResultWriter();

        var game = new Game(consoleReader, consoleWriter);


我并不在意构建复杂的AI-我们正在与Sheldon Cooper对抗

public interface IResultWriter
    void OutputResult(int comparisonResult, SelectionBase player, SelectionBase sheldon);

public class ConsoleResultWriter : IResultWriter
    public void OutputResult(int comparisonResult, SelectionBase player, SelectionBase sheldon)
        var resultActions = new Dictionary<int, Action<SelectionBase, SelectionBase>>
            { 1, OutputPlayerWinsResult },
            { -1, OutputPlayerLosesResult },
            { 0, OutputTieResult }

        resultActions[comparisonResult].Invoke(player, sheldon);

    private void OutputPlayerLosesResult(SelectionBase player, SelectionBase sheldon)
        Console.WriteLine("\n\tSheldon says: \"{0} {1} {2}. You lose!\"\n", sheldon.Name, sheldon.GetWinningVerb(player), player.Name);

    private void OutputPlayerWinsResult(SelectionBase player, SelectionBase sheldon)
        Console.WriteLine("\n\tSheldon says: \"{0} {1} {2}. You win!\"\n", player.Name, player.GetWinningVerb(sheldon), sheldon.Name);

    private void OutputTieResult(SelectionBase player, SelectionBase sheldon)
        Console.WriteLine("\n\tSheldon says: \"Meh. Tie!\"\n");


蒸发岩石。您输了!” br />Rock:“蜥蜴毒害了Spock。您赢了!”

Paper:“ Meh。Tie!”

#1 楼


如果Sheldon决定向游戏中添加新项目,那么您必须进入n类来调整比较和获胜动词。我通常会尽量避免这样的设计,因为每当您要求开发人员在添加新内容的情况下更改n位置中的内容时,他/她就必定会忘记一个位置。 ?嗯,一个游戏似乎很适合规则方法,特别是因为在这种情况下规则非常简单并且结构始终相同:

enum Item
    Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock

class Rule
    public readonly Item Winner;
    public readonly Item Loser;
    public readonly string WinningPhrase;

    public Rule(item winner, string winningPhrase, item loser)
        Winner = winner;
        Loser = loser;
        WinningPhrase = winningPhrase;

    public override string ToString()
         return string.Format("{0} {1} {2}", Winner, WinningPhrase, Loser);


    static List<Rule> Rules = new List<Rule> {
            new Rule(Item.Rock, "crushes", Item.Scissors),
            new Rule(Item.Spock, "vaporizes", Item.Rock),
            new Rule(Item.Paper, "disproves", Item.Spock),
            new Rule(Item.Lizard, "eats", Item.Paper),
            new Rule(Item.Scissors, "decapitate", Item.Lizard),
            new Rule(Item.Spock, "smashes", Item.Scissors),
            new Rule(Item.Lizard, "poisons", Item.Spock),
            new Rule(Item.Rock, "crushes", Item.Lizard),
            new Rule(Item.Paper, "covers", Item.Rock),
            new Rule(Item.Scissors, "cut", Item.Paper)


class Decision
    private bool? _HasPlayerWon;
    private Rule _WinningRule;

    private Decision(bool? hasPlayerWon, Rule winningRule)
        _HasPlayerWon = hasPlayerWon;
        _WinningRule = winningRule;

    public static Decision Decide(item player, item sheldon)
        var rule = FindWinningRule(player, sheldon);
        if (rule != null)
            return new Decision(true, rule);

        rule = FindWinningRule(sheldon, player);
        if (rule != null)
            return new Decision(false, rule);

        return new Decision(null, null);

    private static Rule FindWinningRule(item player, item opponent)
        return Rules.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Winner == player && r.Loser == opponent);

    public override string ToString()
        if (_HasPlayerWon == null)
            return "Meh. Tie!";
        else if (_HasPlayerWon == true)
            return string.Format("{0}. You win!", _WinningRule);
            return string.Format("{0}. You lose!", _WinningRule);



\ $ \ begingroup \ $
\ $ \ endgroup \ $
– ChristWue

\ $ \ begingroup \ $
\ $ \ endgroup \ $
– Karl Damgaard Asmussen

#2 楼


,但事实并非如此。 Compare()的文档指出该关系必须是可传递的:



#3 楼



public abstract class SelectionBase : IComparable<SelectionBase>
    private readonly List<WinningPlay> _winsAgainst;

    protected SelectionBase(List<WinningPlay> winsAgainst)
        _winsAgainst = winsAgainst;

    public virtual int CompareTo(SelectionBase other)
        if (GetType() == other.GetType()) return 0; // draws against itself

        if (_winsAgainst.Any(p => p.Winner == other.GetType())) return 1; // wins

        return -1; // otherwise loses.

    public virtual string Name { get { return GetType().Name; } }

    public virtual string GetWinningVerb(SelectionBase other)
        var winner = _winsAgainst.SingleOrDefault(p => p.Winner == other.GetType());

        if (winner == null)
            throw new InvalidOperationException("Are we playing the same game?");
            return winner.Verb;

    protected class WinningPlay
        public Type Winner { get; private set; }
        public string Verb { get; private set; }

        public WinningPlay(Type type, string verb)
            Winner = type;
            Verb = verb;


public class Rock : SelectionBase

    public Rock() 
        : base(new List<WinningPlay>
                new WinningPlay(typeof(Scissors), "crushes"),
                new WinningPlay(typeof(Lizard), "crushes")

public class Paper : SelectionBase
    public Paper()
        : base(new List<WinningPlay>
                new WinningPlay(typeof (Rock), "covers"),
                new WinningPlay(typeof (Spock), "disproves")

public class Scissors : SelectionBase
    public Scissors()
        : base(new List<WinningPlay>
                new WinningPlay(typeof (Rock), "cuts"),
                new WinningPlay(typeof (Spock), "decapitates")

public class Lizard : SelectionBase
    public Lizard()
        : base(new List<WinningPlay>
                new WinningPlay(typeof (Paper), "eats"),
                new WinningPlay(typeof (Spock), "poisons")

public class Spock : SelectionBase
     public Spock()
         : base(new List<WinningPlay>
                new WinningPlay(typeof (Rock), "Vaporizes"),
                new WinningPlay(typeof (Scissors), "smashes")


\ $ \ begingroup \ $
\ $ \ endgroup \ $
– Mathieu Guindon♦

\ $ \ begingroup \ $
\ $ \ endgroup \ $
– dreza

#4 楼


void Main()
    foreach (var left in Enumerable.Range(0, (int)A.Count).Cast<A>()) {
        foreach (var right in Enumerable.Range(0, (int)A.Count).Cast<A>()) {
            Result result;
            string report;
            Play(left, right, out result, out report);
            Console.WriteLine(left + " vs " + right + ": " + report + " -- " + result);

enum A { Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock, Count };

static string[,] Defeats;

static void InitDefeats()
    Defeats = new string[(int)A.Count, (int)A.Count];
    Action<A, string, A> rule = (x, verb, y) => { Defeats[(int)x, (int)y] = verb; };
    rule(A.Rock, "crushes", A.Lizard);
    rule(A.Rock, "blunts", A.Scissors);
    rule(A.Paper, "wraps", A.Rock);
    rule(A.Paper, "disproves", A.Spock);
    rule(A.Scissors, "cut", A.Paper);
    rule(A.Scissors, "decapitates", A.Lizard);
    rule(A.Lizard, "poisons", A.Spock);
    rule(A.Lizard, "eats", A.Paper);
    rule(A.Spock, "smashes", A.Scissors);
    rule(A.Spock, "vaporizes", A.Rock);

enum Result { LeftWins, Tie, RightWins };

static void Play(A left, A right, out Result result, out string report)
    if (Defeats == null) InitDefeats();
    var lr = Defeats[(int)left, (int)right];
    var rl = Defeats[(int)right, (int)left];
    if (lr != null) {
        result = Result.LeftWins;
        report = (left + " " + lr + " " + right).ToLower();
    if (rl != null) {
        result = Result.RightWins;
        report = (right + " " + rl + " " + left).ToLower();
    result = Result.Tie;
    report = (left + " vs " + right + " is a tie").ToLower();


Rock vs Rock: rock vs rock is a tie -- Tie
Rock vs Paper: paper wraps rock -- RightWins
Rock vs Scissors: rock blunts scissors -- LeftWins
Rock vs Lizard: rock crushes lizard -- LeftWins
Rock vs Spock: spock vaporizes rock -- RightWins
Paper vs Rock: paper wraps rock -- LeftWins
Paper vs Paper: paper vs paper is a tie -- Tie
Paper vs Scissors: scissors cut paper -- RightWins
Paper vs Lizard: lizard eats paper -- RightWins
Paper vs Spock: paper disproves spock -- LeftWins
Scissors vs Rock: rock blunts scissors -- RightWins
Scissors vs Paper: scissors cut paper -- LeftWins
Scissors vs Scissors: scissors vs scissors is a tie -- Tie
Scissors vs Lizard: scissors decapitates lizard -- LeftWins
Scissors vs Spock: spock smashes scissors -- RightWins
Lizard vs Rock: rock crushes lizard -- RightWins
Lizard vs Paper: lizard eats paper -- LeftWins
Lizard vs Scissors: scissors decapitates lizard -- RightWins
Lizard vs Lizard: lizard vs lizard is a tie -- Tie
Lizard vs Spock: lizard poisons spock -- LeftWins
Spock vs Rock: spock vaporizes rock -- LeftWins
Spock vs Paper: paper disproves spock -- RightWins
Spock vs Scissors: spock smashes scissors -- LeftWins
Spock vs Lizard: lizard poisons spock -- RightWins
Spock vs Spock: spock vs spock is a tie -- Tie


void Main()
    foreach (var left in Enumerable.Range(0, (int)A.Count).Cast<A>()) {
        foreach (var right in Enumerable.Range(0, (int)A.Count).Cast<A>()) {
            var outcome = Play(left, right);
            Console.WriteLine(left + " vs " + right + ": " + outcome.Report + " -- " + outcome.Result);

enum A { Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock, Count };

static string[,] Defeats;

static void InitDefeats() 
    Defeats = new string[(int)A.Count, (int)A.Count];
    Action<A, string, A> rule = (x, verb, y) => { Defeats[(int)x, (int)y] = verb; };
    rule(A.Rock, "crushes", A.Lizard);
    rule(A.Rock, "blunts", A.Scissors);
    rule(A.Paper, "wraps", A.Rock);
    rule(A.Paper, "disproves", A.Spock);
    rule(A.Scissors, "cut", A.Paper);
    rule(A.Scissors, "decapitates", A.Lizard);
    rule(A.Lizard, "poisons", A.Spock);
    rule(A.Lizard, "eats", A.Paper);
    rule(A.Spock, "smashes", A.Scissors);
    rule(A.Spock, "vaporizes", A.Rock);

class Outcome {
    internal string Report;
    internal Result Result;
    internal Outcome(A left, A right, string lr, string rl)
        Report = ( lr != null ? left + " " + lr + " " + right
                 : rl != null ? right + " " + rl + " " + left
                 :              left + " vs " + right + " is a tie"
        Result = ( lr != null ? Result.LeftWins
                 : rl != null ? Result.RightWins
                 :              Result.Tie

enum Result { LeftWins, Tie, RightWins };

static Outcome Play(A left, A right)
    if (Defeats == null) InitDefeats();
    var lr = Defeats[(int)left, (int)right];
    var rl = Defeats[(int)right, (int)left];
    return new Outcome(left, right, lr, rl);


\ $ \ begingroup \ $
\ $ \ endgroup \ $
– Mathieu Guindon♦

\ $ \ begingroup \ $
@ lol.upvote,公正的评论-今天,我在喝咖啡休息时间在该论坛上整理代码,这也许是有道理的!不过,我确实有一点要指出,那就是通常的OO方法(类,接口,设计模式等)可以使您脱离最简单的解决方案。这就是我要证明的。回复:A,尽管我的舌头贴在脸颊上,但我还是选择了A来阅读精美。
\ $ \ endgroup \ $
– Rafe

\ $ \ begingroup \ $
@ syb0rg,我在该站点上没有任何指南表明,答复中不应提供其他可供考虑的方法。如果存在这样的准则,而我却错过了,那么,我深表歉意。如果没有,那么我认为我的贡献是有效的。
\ $ \ endgroup \ $
– Rafe