

在遇到多个我需要的项目之后执行多个异步请求(例如,Internet抓取或放射性衰变模拟),我决定制作一个通用类,当给出异步过程时,该类可以并行执行和处理多个异步请求。例如,此Daisy Test构成一个多线程组,该组将html请求发送到B列中的所有url。这些Google搜索的第一个链接按照响应到达的顺序返回到C列。这会触发第二组(菊花链链接到第一个事件)向该URL发送Internet Explorer请求,这些请求将在D中返回。











编码风格的任何评论,我也将不胜感激。 br />

主类Option Explicit ''' 'VBA class to run multiple asynchronous processes 'Interfaces directly with clsThreadHandle 'Requires references to: 'mscrolib.dll ''' 'THREAD GROUP SHAPE PROPERTIES Private threadGroup As New Collection 'holds all the treads Private maxThreads As Long 'maximum number of threads that can be open Private minThreads As Long '[minimum number of threads] Private iterableQueue As mscorlib.Queue 'this item holds all the items from iterator set in queue 'replaces iterableGroup, newtaskindex, taskidset Private iterableSize As Long 'number of items in iterable group or Private passesArguments As Boolean 'true if iterableGroup exists 'THREAD GROUP REFERENCES Private WithEvents threadEvents As clsHandleEvents 'Event object to raise events from each thread handle Private workerClass As IWorker 'THREAD GROUP SETTINGS Private autoQuitEnabled As Boolean 'dictates whether to quit on Complete event, should be false if daisychaining 'THREAD GROUP STATE PROPERTIES Private openThreadCount As Long 'number of threads/handles currently open Private openTaskCount As Long 'number of tasks running on those threads Private closedTaskCount As Long 'number of threads closed (failed and successful) Private successfulTaskCount As Long 'number of threads completed sucessfully Private newThreadIndex As Long 'Iterator over handles (next new handle) Private newTaskIndex As Long 'Iterator over open tasks (next thread to be started) Private taskIDset As Collection 'Dictionary mapping taskIDs to iterableGroup location "REPLACE THIS. MERGE COLLECTION JUMBLES" Private freeThreads As Collection 'holds all the free thread ids 'THREAD GROUP PERFORMANCE PROPERTIES Private startTime As Date 'Private endTime As Date 'THREAD GROUP EVENTS Public Event TaskComplete(returnVal As Variant, taskID As String, threadID As String) 'when a task is complete on a thread, maybe if failed Public Event ThreadOpened(threadCount As Long, threadID As String) 'when a thread is opened, pass the new number of threads Public Event ThreadClosed(threadCount As Long, threadID As String) 'when closed, pass closed thread ID Public Event Complete(timeTaken As Date) 'when everything is (nearly) finished Public Event Closed(timeTaken As Date) 'when entire group is closed Public Event Opened(startTime As Date) 'when entire group is closed 'PRIVATE TYPES/ENUMS Private Type Instruction 'instruction on what to do next, and any necessary arguments that can be passed threadID As String instructionBody As InstructionType End Type Private Enum InstructionType mltCloseThread mltOpenThread mltSetTask mltDoNothing mltQuit End Enum Private Sub Class_Initialize() 'Set defaults maxThreads = 5 minThreads = 1 newThreadIndex = 1 newTaskIndex = 1 autoQuitEnabled = True Set threadEvents = New clsHandleEvents Set taskIDset = New Collection Set freeThreads = New Collection startTime = Now RaiseEvent Opened(startTime) ''' 'Test space ''' End Sub Private Sub threadEvents_Closed(threadID As String) RaiseEvent ThreadClosed(openThreadCount, threadID) End Sub Private Sub threadEvents_Opened(threadID As String) RaiseEvent ThreadOpened(openThreadCount, threadID) End Sub Private Sub threadEvents_Complete(obj As clsThreadHandle, returnVal As Variant) 'called when thread becomes free 'DO NOT mark as free here RaiseEvent TaskComplete(returnVal, obj.Task, obj.Name) 'failed as boolean openTaskCount = openTaskCount - 1 closedTaskCount = closedTaskCount + 1 successfulTaskCount = successfulTaskCount + 1 'could be unsuccessful too though doInstructions obj.Name 'pass object name so it can be marked free ' If failed Then ' failedTaskCount = failedTaskCount + 1 ' Else ' successfulTaskCount = successfulTaskCount + 1 ' End If End Sub Public Sub Execute() 'check validity of user data, if valid, then execute task If iterableSize = 0 Then Err.Raise 5, Description:="You must set size argument to a non-zero value, or a non-empty iterable first" ElseIf workerClass Is Nothing Then Err.Raise 5, Description:="You must set the async class argument first" Else doInstructions End If End Sub Public Sub Quit() 'Remove any references that would prevent proper closing 'Default automatically called when openThreadCount = 0 RaiseEvent Complete(Now - startTime) Set threadEvents = Nothing End Sub Private Sub doInstructions(Optional freeThreadID As String, Optional loopcount As Long = 1) Dim instructionVal As Instruction 'mark thread free if applicable If freeThreadID <> vbNullString Then freeThread = freeThreadID 'find out what to do instructionVal = getInstruction() 'carry out instruction Select Case instructionVal.instructionBody Case InstructionType.mltCloseThread closeThread instructionVal.threadID Case InstructionType.mltOpenThread openThread Case InstructionType.mltSetTask Dim taskThread As clsThreadHandle Dim taskArguments As Variant Set taskThread = threadGroup(instructionVal.threadID) 'assign task to thread assignTaskID (taskThread.Name) 'get any arguments there may be 'mark thread as busy BusyThread = taskThread.Name 'iterate open tasks openTaskCount = openTaskCount + 1 'execute task If passesArguments Then 'pop appropriate item from queue Set taskArguments = iterableQueue.Dequeue taskThread.Execute taskArguments Else taskThread.Execute End If Case InstructionType.mltQuit 'quit then do nothing Me.Quit instructionVal.instructionBody = mltDoNothing Case InstructionType.mltDoNothing 'do nothing Case Else Err.Raise 5 'invalid argument End Select 'call self until no instruction If instructionVal.instructionBody <> mltDoNothing Then Debug.Assert loopcount < maxThreads * 3 + 5 'max loop should be open all threads then run all tasks + a little doInstructions loopcount:=loopcount + 1 'watch for infinite loop End If End Sub Private Function getInstruction() As Instruction 'function to determine what action to take next 'called until do nothing returned 'caller to doinstructions can specify a free thread in which case some parts skipped Dim results As Instruction 'variable to hold instruction and any arguments Me.printState 'Do we need to open or close threads? 'Threads free? (threads open > tasks open): If openThreadCount > openTaskCount Then 'Great we have a free thread, now use it or delete it (cos we have too many or no tasks remaining) If newTaskIndex > iterableSize Then 'already passed all tasks '[find] & close free thread results.instructionBody = mltCloseThread results.threadID = freeThread ElseIf openThreadCount <= maxThreads Then '[find] & use free thread (run a task on it) results.instructionBody = mltSetTask results.threadID = freeThread Else '[find] & close free thread results.instructionBody = mltCloseThread results.threadID = freeThread End If Else 'No threads free, either open one (if not exceeding max, and there's a task left to put on it) 'Or do nothing (can't close it if not free, shouldn't open new if no more tasks) If openThreadCount < maxThreads And newTaskIndex <= iterableSize Then results.instructionBody = mltOpenThread ElseIf openThreadCount = 0 And autoQuitEnabled Then results.instructionBody = mltQuit Else results.instructionBody = mltDoNothing End If End If getInstruction = results End Function Private Sub openThread() 'opens a thread and assigns a task ID to it Dim newThread As New clsThreadHandle 'create new handle newThread.OpenHandle Me, threadEvents 'passes parent reference which allows handle to obtain thread ID threadGroup.Add newThread, newThread.Name 'add it to the group with a new id (set by itself) openThreadCount = openThreadCount + 1 freeThread = newThread.Name 'mark as free so task can be assigned to it End Sub Private Property Let freeThread(threadID As String) 'NOT WORKING""""" 'when a thread comes free, add it to the collection freeThreads.Add threadID, threadID Debug.Print threadID; " marked as free; now"; freeThreads.Count; "threads are free" End Property Private Property Let BusyThread(threadID As String) 'when a thread is not free or is closed, mark as busy by removing from free group On Error Resume Next 'only remove ones what are there actually freeThreads.Remove threadID Debug.Print threadID; " marked as busy"; IIf(Err.Number <> 0, ", but wasn't in free group", vbNullString) End Property Private Property Get freeThread() As String 'gives up a free thread and adds it to the list freeThread = freeThreads(1) freeThreads.Remove (1) End Property Private Sub assignTaskID(threadID As String) '@Ignore WriteOnlyProperty 'assigns task ID to thread 'nb does NOT actually run the task (this is instruction stage still) Dim newThread As clsThreadHandle Set newThread = threadGroup(threadID) newThread.Task = NewTaskID Set newThread.Worker = AsyncClass End Sub Private Sub closeThread(threadID As String, Optional failed As Boolean = False) 'close thread with appropriate id Dim oldThread As clsThreadHandle Set oldThread = threadGroup(threadID) 'remove from all collections 'taskIDset.Remove oldThread.Task remove from task id set if it was in there threadGroup.Remove oldThread.Name BusyThread = oldThread.Name 'remove from free collection Set oldThread = Nothing 'iterate counters openThreadCount = openThreadCount - 1 End Sub Public Property Let Size(sizeFactor As Variant) 'property of the thread group which dictates how many processes to run in total 'size factor is either an iterable item, or an integer to dictate the size 'Check if size factor is number If IsNumeric(sizeFactor) Then 'If so, size is that iterableSize = CLng(sizeFactor) passesArguments = False 'no argument to pass to thread, just run it a load of times 'If not, *check if iterable ElseIf isIterable(sizeFactor) Then 'If so, size is size of collection from extration Set iterableQueue = New Queue iterableSize = addIterableToQueue(sizeFactor, iterableQueue) passesArguments = True Else '[if not, raise error] Err.Raise 5 'invalid argument End If End Property Public Sub IncreaseSize(sizeFactor As Variant) 'method of threadGroup which adds more tasks to the queue, and immediately runs them 'size factor is either an iterable item, or an integer to dictate the size 'Check whether size is set yet If Me.Size = 0 Then Err.Raise 5, Description:="You must set Size before you can IncreaseSize" End If 'check whether new data matches old type If IsNumeric(sizeFactor) Then If passesArguments Then Err.Raise 5, Description:="Size factor type doesn't match original type" Else 'is numeric and was numeric, grand iterableSize = iterableSize + CLng(sizeFactor) End If ElseIf isIterable(sizeFactor) Then If passesArguments Then 'was iterable and still is, great! Dim itemsAdded As Long itemsAdded = addIterableToQueue(sizeFactor, iterableQueue) iterableSize = iterableSize + itemsAdded Else 'wasn't iterble, now is Err.Raise 5, Description:="Size factor type doesn't match original type" End If Else '[if not, raise error] Err.Raise 5 'invalid argument End If Me.Execute End Sub Public Property Set AsyncClass(ByVal workObj As IWorker) 'Set the worker who carries out the tasks Set workerClass = workObj End Property Public Property Get AsyncClass() As IWorker Set AsyncClass = workerClass End Property Public Property Get Size() As Variant Size = iterableSize End Property Public Property Let autoQuit(ByVal value As Boolean) autoQuitEnabled = value End Property Public Property Get NewHandleID() As String NewHandleID = "Handle " & newThreadIndex newThreadIndex = newThreadIndex + 1 'use next one next time End Property Private Property Get NewTaskID() As String 'generates new task, saves its ID to taskIDset, then bumps the task counter along one NewTaskID = "Task " & newTaskIndex taskIDset.Add newTaskIndex, NewTaskID 'add id to map newTaskIndex = newTaskIndex + 1 End Property Private Sub Class_Terminate() 'Set threadGroup = Nothing Debug.Print "Terminating group" RaiseEvent Closed(Now - startTime) End Sub Public Sub printState() 'for debugging Debug.Print _ "State:"; vbCrLf _ ; Space(5); "Threads open: "; openThreadCount; vbCrLf _ ; Space(5); "Threads in use: "; openTaskCount; vbCrLf _ ; Space(5); "Threads marked as free: "; freeThreads.Count; vbCrLf _ ; Space(5); "Tasks remaining: "; iterableSize - successfulTaskCount; vbCrLf _ ; Space(5); "Next task index: "; newTaskIndex End Sub



其主要方法是getInstruction (调用Size)以及IncreaseSizedoInstruction









线程句柄Option Explicit 'THREAD HANDLE BASE PROPERTIES Private eventHandle As clsHandleEvents 'Events module multithread set which handle belongs to. Called when handle state changes Private taskID As String 'holds the id of the current task Private handleID As String 'holds the id of this handle Private handleArgs As Variant 'holds any arguments that need to be passed to the task 'THREAD EVENTS Private WithEvents workerEvents As IWorkerEvents Private workerObject As IWorker 'interface to whatever worker may be passed to thread Private Sub workerEvents_Complete(returnVal As Variant) eventHandle.NotifyComplete Me, returnVal End Sub Private Sub workerEvents_Started() Debug.Print Me.Task; " started event was raised" End Sub Public Property Set Worker(ByVal workObj As IWorker) Set workerObject = workObj.CreateNew 'set worker to be a copy of the passed one Set workerEvents = New IWorkerEvents 'create event handler Set workerObject.Events = workerEvents 'pass it to the worker so it can listen in End Property Public Sub OpenHandle(multiThreadGroup As clsMultiThread, delegate As clsHandleEvents) 'called when the handle is opened, sets the reference IDs of the string and the handle, as well as parent g Set eventHandle = delegate handleID = multiThreadGroup.NewHandleID eventHandle.NotifyThreadOpened (Name) Debug.Print Name; " was opened" End Sub Public Sub Execute(Optional args As Variant) Debug.Print Task; " executed on "; Name; " with "; IIf(IsMissing(args), "no arguments", "some arguments") workerObject.Execute args 'run the event End Sub Public Property Get Task() As String Task = taskID End Property Public Property Let Task(val As String) taskID = val Debug.Print Name; "'s task was set to "; taskID End Property Public Property Get Name() As String Name = handleID End Property Private Sub Class_Initialize() Debug.Print "I'm made" End Sub Private Sub Class_Terminate() eventHandle.NotifyThreadClosed (Me.Name) Set eventHandle = Nothing Set workerObject = Nothing End Sub Private Sub workerEvents_StatusChange(statusVal As Variant) 'not yet implemented, probably unnecessary End Sub





处理事件类Option Explicit 'class to convert calls from the thread handle into events which the multi thread group can tap into Public Event Complete(obj As clsThreadHandle, returnVal As Variant) Public Event Opened(threadID As String) 'when thread is actually opened Public Event Closed(threadID As String) 'when thread is closed Public Sub NotifyComplete(obj As clsThreadHandle, Optional returnVal As Variant) RaiseEvent Complete(obj, returnVal) End Sub Public Sub NotifyThreadOpened(threadID As String) RaiseEvent Opened(threadID) End Sub Public Sub NotifyThreadClosed(threadID As String) RaiseEvent Closed(threadID) End Sub Private Sub Class_Terminate() Debug.Print "Events Terminated" End Sub






Option Explicit 'class acts as interface for any thread task 'Execute runs the task 'Events are raised by the task if it interfaces properly Public Property Set Events(ByRef value As IWorkerEvents) End Property Public Sub Execute(Optional argument As Variant) End Sub Public Function CreateNew() As IWorker End Function


Option Explicit 'class holds all the events that a thread task can raise Public Event Complete(returnVal As Variant) Public Event StatusChange(statusVal As Variant) Public Event Started() Public Sub Complete(Optional returnVal As Variant) RaiseEvent Complete(returnVal) End Sub Public Sub StatusChange(statusVal As Variant) RaiseEvent StatusChange(statusVal) End Sub Public Sub Started() RaiseEvent Started End Sub



我不需要特别检查一些补充功能模块,但是我将包括它们,因为它们是Option Explicit Public Function addIterableToQueue(iterator As Variant, ByRef resultQueue As Queue) As Long 'function to take iterable group and add it to the queue 'returns the number of items added Dim item As Variant Dim itemsAdded As Long itemsAdded = 0 For Each item In iterator resultQueue.enqueue item itemsAdded = itemsAdded + 1 Next item addIterableToQueue = itemsAdded End Function Function isIterable(obj As Variant) As Boolean On Error Resume Next Dim iterator As Variant For Each iterator In obj Exit For Next isIterable = Err.Number = 0 End Function 执行所必需的




在我看来,我实际上并没有包括一名工人对此进行测试。好吧,这是一个使用String请求从网页返回HTML文档的示例。它接受代表网址的Range / HTMLDocument参数,并返回imported。注意,必须为Attribute .VB_UserMemId = 0,因为根据本文的要求它为VERSION 1.0 CLASS BEGIN MultiUse = -1 'True END Attribute VB_Name = "clsHtmlWorker" Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False Attribute VB_Creatable = False Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False Attribute VB_Exposed = False Option Explicit ''' 'Basic worker object sends MSHTML GET request to webpage and returns an HTMLDocument or Nothing 'Requires reference to ' Microsoft HTML Object library (mshtml.tlb) ' Microsoft XML, v6.0 (msxml6.dll) ''' Private httpRequest As MSXML2.XMLHTTP60 Implements IWorker Private Type TWorker Events As IWorkerEvents End Type Private this As TWorker Private Function IWorker_CreateNew() As IWorker Set IWorker_CreateNew = New clsHtmlWorker End Function Private Property Set IWorker_Events(RHS As IWorkerEvents) Set this.Events = RHS End Property Private Sub IWorker_Execute(Optional argument As Variant) Started 'raise event to thread handle 'Do some task sendRequest argument End Sub ''' 'Event raising ''' Private Sub Started() If Not this.Events Is Nothing Then this.Events.Started End If End Sub Private Sub statusChange(ByVal statusText As String) If Not this.Events Is Nothing Then 'status change is not fully implemented yet in clsMultiThread, I may get rid of it this.Events.statusChange statusText End If End Sub Private Sub Complete(Optional ByVal resultPage As HTMLDocument) If Not httpRequest Is Nothing Then Set httpRequest = Nothing If Not this.Events Is Nothing Then this.Events.Complete resultPage End If End Sub Private Sub sendRequest(ByVal url As String) ''' 'Sub to open a new XMLHTTP request at a given url 'Also assigns OnReadyStateChange callback function to this class' default routine ''' If httpRequest Is Nothing Then Set httpRequest = New MSXML2.XMLHTTP60 With httpRequest 'Assign callback function to handler class (by default property) .OnReadyStateChange = Me 'open and send the request .Open "GET", url, True .send vbNullString End With End Sub Public Sub OnReadyStateChange() Attribute OnReadyStateChange.VB_UserMemId = 0 ''' 'This is the default callback routine of the class ''' With httpRequest statusChange .statusText If .ReadyState = 4 Then 'loaded If .Status = 200 Then 'successful 'mark complete and pass document Dim htmlDoc As HTMLDocument Set htmlDoc = New HTMLDocument htmlDoc.body.innerHTML = .responseText Complete htmlDoc Else 'unsuccessful Complete End If End If End With End Sub Private Sub Class_Terminate() If Not httpRequest Is Nothing Then Set httpRequest = Nothing End Sub


 Option Explicit

'This class creates and runs a new multithread instance which runs clsHtmlWorker
'When each HTMLDocument is complete, the class scans it for e-mails
Private WithEvents multiThreadGroup As clsMultiThread
'clsMultiThread is async so must be  declared separately (or in a doEvents loop)
Private Const REGEX_PATTERN As String = _

Public Sub run()
    'urls to check for emails are in a1:a10
    htmlRequestToUrls [a1:a10]
End Sub

Private Sub htmlRequestToUrls(urlCells As Range)

    Set multiThreadGroup = New clsMultiThread
    With multiThreadGroup
        .Size = urlCells                         'set iterable, here a load of urls
        Set .AsyncClass = New clsHtmlWorker      'set async worker
        .Execute                                 'run the group
    End With

End Sub

Private Sub multiThreadGroup_TaskComplete(returnVal As Variant, taskID As String, threadID As String)

    Dim rowI As Long, colI As Long
    rowI = Right(taskID, Len(taskID) - 4)

    If returnVal Is Nothing Then
        Cells(rowI, 2) = "Error in loading page"
    ElseIf TypeOf returnVal Is HTMLDocument Then
        Dim emailMatches() As String
        emailMatches = regexMatches(returnVal.body.innerText)
        If (Not emailMatches) = -1 Then
        'no emails on page
            Cells(rowI, 2) = "No e-mail matches"
            For colI = LBound(emailMatches) To UBound(emailMatches)
                Cells(rowI, colI + 2) = emailMatches(colI)
            Next colI
        End If
    Else                                         'nothing returned
        Cells(rowI, 2) = "Error in loading page"
    End If

End Sub

Private Function regexMatches(strInput As String) As String()

    Dim rMatch As Object
    Dim s As String
    Dim arrayMatches() As String
    Dim i As Long

    With CreateObject("VBScript.Regexp")
        .Global = True
        .MultiLine = True
        .IgnoreCase = True
        .Pattern = REGEX_PATTERN
        If .test(strInput) Then
            For Each rMatch In .Execute(strInput)
                ReDim Preserve arrayMatches(i)
                arrayMatches(i) = rMatch.value
                i = i + 1
        End If
    End With

    regexMatches = arrayMatches

End Function





@This 1)mscorlib.dll我正在使用早期绑定,并且使用私有iterableQueue作为clsMultiThread中的mscorlib.Queue是必需的。 2)是的,要完全模拟Excel中的多线程,您需要创建多个EXCEL.EXE实例。但是,该项目专门针对异步过程,因为它们不会直接在Excel中运行。确保处理都是单线程的,但是在Internet应用程序中,主要的开销是在等待响应负载。这可以异步完成,并且可以并行处理多个实例。我希望这是有道理的


@ M.Doerner恰恰是,可以分别在Excel之外使用事件和默认属性回调函数hack异步运行InternetExplorer.Application或XmlHttprequest(请参阅此文章)文章。我使用IWorker接口的目的是确保工作人员在完成时引发事件,这提醒我们,这些事件应该是异步工作人员,而不是常规例程。多线程标准例程需要这种方法


#1 楼



我真的不喜欢这个名字。像clsMultiThread这样的名称在某种程度上具有误导性,因为如您所述,它们实际上并未提供任何真正的多线程。一个粗心的用户会期望它可以处理任何事情,并且当他们所有排队的工作痛苦地同步完成时,他们会感到失望。 ;)











如果对您来说至关重要的是,不要被阻止,则需要考虑采用其他方法。例如,您需要一个外部.NET库来创建线程,运行任务,然后将输出写入文件。这使主线程可以随意读取它,并且当主线程需要执行某些操作时,不会自动阻塞任何生成的线程。即便如此,它仍然受到以下事实的影响:尝试生成新线程时,它可能会被阻止(因为您需要VBA来运行代码来创建一个新线程,即使它只是在DLL中调用外部函数也是如此)。 >
注意:在我所有的测试中,仅打印的Debug.Print iiDoEventsi。我已经把Debug.Print注释掉了;否则,立即窗口将溢出,并且从头到尾都看不到所有输出。


此外,我想引起您的注意的是,您可能拥有一个Task N started实例,该实例本身就支持事件。因此,您可以声明类似Task N completed的变量,而不是监听事件。这意味着您不需要像使用Events terminated那样设置默认成员,并且如果您只是执行Internet请求,那么您甚至不需要线程集合。只需收集PrintState并收听他们的事件。



您有一个Private WithEvents request As WinHttp.WinHttpRequest,它可以递归调用自己。但是IMPOV,没有理由进行递归。您可以通过一个简单的循环来完成相同的操作,就像我的hacky更改所展示的那样。一个更合适的解决方案可能是在循环的底部使用多个条件或一个标志变量(确保它至少执行一次)。这样就可以确保您不必担心堆栈溢出。 :

call runtest: for i = 0 to 100 : debug.Print i: doevents: next


Private Sub doInstructions(Optional freeThreadID As String, Optional loopcount As Long = 1)
    Dim instructionVal As Instruction

    'mark thread free if applicable
    If freeThreadID <> vbNullString Then freeThread = freeThreadID

    'find out what to do
    instructionVal = getInstruction()
    'carry out instruction
    Select Case instructionVal.instructionBody
    Case InstructionType.mltCloseThread
        closeThread instructionVal.threadID
    Case InstructionType.mltOpenThread
    Case InstructionType.mltSetTask
        Dim taskThread As clsThreadHandle
        Dim taskArguments As Variant
        Set taskThread = threadGroup(instructionVal.threadID)
        'assign task to thread
        assignTaskID (taskThread.Name)
        'get any arguments there may be
        'mark thread as busy

        BusyThread = taskThread.Name
        'iterate open tasks
        openTaskCount = openTaskCount + 1
        'execute task
        If passesArguments Then
            'pop appropriate item from queue
            Set taskArguments = iterableQueue.Dequeue
            taskThread.Execute taskArguments
        End If

    Case InstructionType.mltQuit
        'quit then do nothing
        instructionVal.instructionBody = mltDoNothing
    Case InstructionType.mltDoNothing
        'do nothing
    Case Else
        Err.Raise 5                              'invalid argument
    End Select

    'call self until no instruction
    If instructionVal.instructionBody <> mltDoNothing Then
Debug.Assert loopcount < maxThreads * 3 + 5      'max loop should be open all threads then run all tasks + a little
        'doInstructions loopcount:=loopcount + 1  'watch for infinite loop
        freeThreadID = vbNullString
        loopcount = loopcount + 1
        Exit Do
    End If

End Sub




在我看来这可能很麻烦: >



一种方法是延迟绑定队列,方法是将其声明为对象并执行IWorker。这样一来,您就无需添加对.NET核心库的显式引用,从而无需了解.NET Framework版本,因为在这种情况下,该类在版本之间不会更改。另一种选择是只使用内置的VBA集合。 IINM,您仅使用队列来收集参数,VBA选择也可以做到这一点。这会给您类似队列的行为:

Set .AsyncClass = New clsHtmlWorker

,没有任何外部引用。 >


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– Gredo

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– Gredo

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– Gredo

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18 Mar 30 '18 at 11:36

#2 楼

这超出了我的专业知识,但也许添加答案会导致更多的浏览/答案?另外,那个初学者标签在做什么? ;)

clsHandleEvents.Complete(obj as clsThreadHandle)
clsHandleEvents.NotifyComplete(obj as clsThreadHandle)
clsMultiThread.threadEvents_Complete(obj as clsThreadHandle)
multiThreadMethods.isIterable(obj as Variant)




\ $ \ begingroup \ $
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– Gredo

\ $ \ begingroup \ $
我喜欢debug = true的一部分,因此您可以在立即窗口中看到正在发生的事情,并记录所有更新。有人会说这是浪费了一些精力,但是调试它无能为力。
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RHS =右侧?
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–所罗门·乌科(Solomon Ucko)