我希望通过Lazy Hobo Riddle来优化此计算方法:





基本上只涉及找到\ $ a,b,c,d \ $的所有可能解,使得\ $ a ^ {2} + b ^ {2} + c ^ {2} + d ^ {2} = 200 \ $

for(int a = 1;a<=100; a++)
    for(int b = 1; b<=100; b++)
        for(int c = 1; c<=100; c++)
            for(int d = 1; d<=100; d++){
                if(a*a + b*b + c*c + d*d == 200)
                    cout << "a: " << a << " b: " << b << " c: " << c << " d: " << d << endl;




您在这里有1亿次通过循环。由于15 ^ 2已经超过200,因此您实际上只需要14 ^ 4 = 38,416通过。

#1 楼


$$ a \ leq b \ leq c \ leq d $$



您还可以做一件事:检查\ $ a ^ {2} + b ^ {2} + c ^ {2} + d ^ {2}> 200 \ $

for(int a = 1; a<=14; a++)
    for(int b = a; b<=14; b++)
        for(int c = b; c<=14; c++)
            for(int d = c; d<=14; d++){
                if(a*a + b*b + c*c + d*d == 200)
                    cout << "a: " << a << " b: " << b << " c: " << c << " d: " << d << endl;
                else if(a*a + b*b + c*c + d*d > 200)



\ $ \ begingroup \ $
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\ $ \ begingroup \ $
让我们假设a == 14将导致196 + b ^ 2 + c ^ 2 + d ^ 2 == 200这也不会发生。因此您可以将循环限制为13
\ $ \ endgroup \ $
– Heslacher

\ $ \ begingroup \ $
如果可以的话,用一汤匙的焦油。提议的解决方案是\ $ O(n ^ 2)\ $(每个最多4个\ $ \ sqrt n \ $嵌套循环。当然我们可以做得更好。构建一个正方形表(\ $ O(\ sqrt n)\ $时间和空间)。建立成对的平方和表(\ $ O(n)\ $时间和空间),找到所有加在一起的目标对(\ $ O(n)\ $时间,\ $ O(1 )\ $空间)。
\ $ \ endgroup \ $

\ $ \ begingroup \ $
@vnp如何满足a <= b <= c <= d的条件。如果有一个\ $ O(n)\ $解决方案,它应该是自己的答案。
\ $ \ endgroup \ $
– abuzittin gillifirca

\ $ \ begingroup \ $
\ $ \ endgroup \ $
– Tibos

#2 楼


要注意的另一件事是,您以相同的顺序多次获得相同的解。通过对变量进行排序,可以很容易地避免这种情况(并因此避免了很多迭代)。最后,如果早期失败,则可以减少迭代次数。一旦检查a = 15并看到平方大于200,就不再需要检查a的更高值。


解决方案: C年龄段。


int N = 200;
for (int a = (int) sqrt(N); a >= 0; a--) {
  for (int b = min(a, (int) sqrt(N - a*a)); b >= 0; b--) {
    for (int c = min(b, (int) sqrt(N - a*a - b*b)); c >= 0; c--) {
      double remaining = sqrt(N - a*a - b*b - c*c);
      int d = (int) remaining;
      if ((d == remaining) && (d <= c)) {
        cout << "a: " << a << " b: " << b << " c: " << c << " d: " << d << endl;


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\ $ \ begingroup \ $
实际上,第三个循环也是多余的。根据勒让德的三个平方定理,除非整数m和n的形式为(8m + 7)4 ^ n,否则数字可以表示为三个平方的和。 200不是这种形式(200 = 8 * 5 * 5),因此必须存在a ^ 2 + b ^ 2 + c ^ 2 + 0 = 200形式的解决方案,您只需要循环计算a和b;懒散的流浪汉不起作用。 (或者,如果您是一个懒惰的程序员,您只需声明懒惰的流浪汉知道勒让德的三平方定理,就可以找到d = 0的解。)
\ $ \ endgroup \ $
– David Richerby

\ $ \ begingroup \ $
\ $ \ endgroup \ $
– Tibos

\ $ \ begingroup \ $
\ $ \ endgroup \ $
– David Richerby

\ $ \ begingroup \ $
sqrt很贵。我将用零填充1..200数组,然后对于1..14将带有平方的插槽分配给值。得到200 -a ^ 2-b ^ 2-c ^ 2,如果输入非零,则为d,否则,a,b,c均无答案。
\ $ \ endgroup \ $
–Loren Pechtel

#3 楼




std::cout << "\n";


\ $ \ begingroup \ $
使用了命名空间std ...通常不好,对吧? ?
\ $ \ endgroup \ $

\ $ \ begingroup \ $
@ Vogel612:是的,但是我在这里没有提到它,因为这只是一个小问题。
\ $ \ endgroup \ $
– Jamal♦

#4 楼


Vogel612在他的评论中提出了一个有趣的观点:using namespace std;通常被认为是一种不好的做法。您可以只使用const int lim = 200;。它使事情更容易阅读/理解并且更容易维护:双赢!将自己限制为:

$$ a \ leq b \ leq c \ leq d $$


$$ 4 * a ^ {2} \ leq a ^ {2} + b ^ {2} + c ^ {2} + d ^ {2} = 200 $$
因此$$ a ^ {2 } \ leq 50 $$
因此$$ a \ leq 7 $$

我们可以在代码中充分利用这一优势,方法是当我们知道没有希望找到更多的代码时就停止。 >
让我们忘掉数学,然后用简单的C ++编写这件事(将不同的计算值存储在变量中以供重用):考虑

a ^ {2} + b ^ {2} + c ^ {2})$$


#5 楼

除了@EngieOP提供的出色信息外,您还可以考虑从内部循环中进行一些重复的计算,但每个“ for”循环需要额外的int成本。这些可以由编译器进行优化,但不应降低清晰度。

for(int a = 1; a<=14; a++){
    sum_a = a*a;
    for(int b = a; b<=14; b++){
        sum_b = sum_a + b*b;
        for(int c = b; c<=14; c++){
            sum_c = sum_b + c*c;
/*[... etc ...] */



\ $ \ begingroup \ $
通过向内部for循环中添加一个小的测试,我们可以扩展这种方法以减少迭代次数,即for(int c = 1; c <= 14 && sumB <200; c ++)和for(int d = 1; d <= 14 && sumC <200; d ++)。通过这种方式,搜索将产生17458次迭代而不是38416次重复的相同结果。
\ $ \ endgroup \ $
– Desty

#6 楼


int squares[15];
const int limit = 200;
int it_limit = 15;
for (int i = 1; i < it_limit; i++)
    squares[i] = i*i;
int temp = 0;
for (int a = 1; a < it_limit; a++)
    temp = squares[a];
    for (int b = a; b < it_limit; b++)
        temp = squares[b] + squares[a];
        if (temp > limit)
        for (int c = b; c < it_limit; c++)
            temp = squares[c] + squares[b] + squares[a];
            if (temp > limit)
            for (int d = c; d < it_limit; d++)
                temp = squares[d] + squares[c] + squares[b] + squares[a];
                if (temp > limit)
                if (temp == limit)
                    cout << "a: " << a << " b: " << b << " c: " << c << " d: " << d << "\n";



#7 楼


#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <map>
#include <vector>

typedef unsigned int T;

int main()
    const T LIMIT = 2000000;
    std::map< T,std::vector< std::pair< T,T > > > pairs_of_squares;
    T a, b, c, d, sum_of_squares, remaining;
    unsigned long increment = 0;
    unsigned long num_results = 0;
    unsigned long index;
    std::vector< std::pair< T, T > > array_of_pairs;
    std::stringstream out;

    for ( a = 1; 2 * a * a <= LIMIT - 2; ++a )
        for ( b = a; (sum_of_squares = a*a + b*b) <= LIMIT - 2; ++b )
            remaining = LIMIT - sum_of_squares;
            // Check if it is possible to get another pair (c,d) such that either
            // a <= b <= c <= d or c <= d <= a <= b and, if not, ignore this pair.
            if ( a * a * 2 < remaining && remaining < b * b * 2 )
            pairs_of_squares[sum_of_squares].push_back( std::pair<T,T>(a,b) );

            if ( pairs_of_squares.count( remaining ) != 0 )
                array_of_pairs = pairs_of_squares[ remaining ];
                for ( index = 0; index < array_of_pairs.size(); ++index )
                    c = array_of_pairs[index].first;
                    d = array_of_pairs[index].second;
                    if ( b <= c )
                        out         << a
                            << ", " << b
                            << ", " << c
                            << ", " << d
                            << '\n';
                    else if ( d <= a )
                        out         << c
                            << ", " << d
                            << ", " << a
                            << ", " << b
                            << '\n';

    std::cout << out.str()
                << num_results << " possibilities found in " << increment << " increments." << std::endl;
    return 0;


对于200的限制: />
2, 4, 6, 12
6, 6, 8, 8
2 possibilities found in 75 increments.

real    0m0.005s
user    0m0.003s
sys 0m0.002s



104, 192, 984, 992
56, 112, 984, 1008
1221 possibilities found in 785771 increments.

real    0m0.890s
user    0m0.873s
sys 0m0.014s


不要单独处理所有4个数字-只能处理两对数字(低值对和高值对)。 br />
首先生成一对数字\ $(a,b)\ $,其中\ $ a \ leq b \ $和\ $ a ^ 2 + b ^ 2 \ leq LIMIT-2 \ $(注意:2是另一对数字的最小平方和)并将该对数字推入地图。

然后检查地图是否包含另一对\ $(c,d) \ $其中\ $ c \ leq d \ $和\ $ c ^ 2 + d ^ 2 = LIMIT-a ^ 2-b ^ 2 \ $使得\ $ a \ leq b \ leq c \ leq d \ $或\ $ c \ leq d \ leq a \ leq b \ $,在这种情况下,它是一个有效的答案并输出。 $。

#8 楼



for(int a = 1; a<=14; a++)
    for(int b = a; b<=14; b++)
        for(int c = b; c<=14; c++)
            for(int d = c; d<=14; d++){
                if(a*a + b*b + c*c + d*d == 200)
                    cout << "a: " << a << " b: " << b << " c: " << c << " d: " << d << endl;
                else if(a*a + b*b + c*c + d*d > 200)

但是这样,我们仍然为每次迭代计算a*a + b*b + c*c + d*d。因此,让我们像rolinger的答案已经显示的那样减少它们

int resultToReach = 200;
int maxBorder = (int)sqrt(200);
for(int a = 1; a<=maxBorder ; a++)
    for(int b = a; b<=maxBorder ; b++)
        for(int c = b; c<=maxBorder ; c++)
            for(int d = c; d<=maxBorder ; d++){
                int tempResult = a*a + b*b + c*c + d*d;
                if(tempResult == resultToReach)
                    cout << "a: " << a << " b: " << b << " c: " << c << " d: " << d << endl;
                else if(tempResult > resultToReach)


    int resultToReach = 200;
    int maxBorder = (int)sqrt(resultToReach);
    for (int a = 1; a <= maxBorder; a++)
        int firstResult = resultToReach - a * a;
        for (int b = a; b <= maxBorder; b++)
            int secondResult = firstResult - b * b;
            for (int c = b; c <= maxBorder; c++)
                int thirdResult = secondResult - c * c;
                for (int d = c; d <= maxBorder; d++)
                    int tempResult = thirdResult - d * d;
                    if (tempResult == 0)
                        cout << "a: " << a << " b: " << b << " c: " << c << " d: " << d << endl;
                    else if (tempResult < 0)

因为我没有手工C ++,所以我用C#进行计时。这将在约19秒内为resultToReach==2000000计算1221个唯一组合。


    int resultToReach = 200;
    int maxBorder = (int)sqrt(resultToReach);

    for (int a = maxBorder; a >= 1; a--)
        int firstResult = resultToReach - a * a;
        if (firstResult >= 3)
            for (int b = a; b >= 1; b--)
                int secondResult = firstResult - b * b;
                if (secondResult >= 2)
                    for (int c = b; c >= 1; c--)
                        int thirdResult = secondResult - c * c;
                        if (thirdResult >= 1)
                            for (int d = c; d >= 1; d--)
                                int tmpResult = thirdResult - d * d;
                                if (tmpResult == 0)
                                    cout << "a: " << a << " b: " << b << " c: " << c << " d: " << d << endl;
                                else if (tmpResult > 0)

由于我没有手工的C ++,所以我在C#中进行了计时。这将在约4.5秒内为resultToReach==2000000计算1221个唯一组合。

#9 楼

实际上,我对hobo问题的答案是以迭代方式解决a*a+b*b+c*c+d*d = 200的假设并不满意。


工作量最高的人最多可以进行14.142天的sqrt(200) = 14.142小时。四舍五入后,该值为14 * 14 = 196,其他3个仅剩下4个小时的工作。这不起作用。

尝试13 ... 200-(13 * 13) = 31表示其他3个,然后递归检查下一个家伙,它给出以下代码: />
int find_worst_hours( int workleft, int numguys )
    static int num_interations = 0;
    int mine = (int)floor(sqrt((double)workleft));
    TRACE( "Num iterations = %d\n", ++num_interations );
    while( mine > 0 )   {
        int leftover = workleft - mine*mine;
        TRACE( "Guys Left %d:I would do %d, rest would do %d\n", numguys, mine, leftover );
        if ( numguys == 1 ) {
            // last guy
            if ( leftover > 0 ) {
                return -1;      // bad solution, work left over.
            } else {
                // no work left, this is a good solution.
                TRACE( "GOOD END, guy %d, work %d\n", numguys, mine );
                return mine;
        } else {
            // check the rest of guys
            if ( leftover == 0 )    {
                return -1;      // bad solution, the other guys need work
            int next_guys_work = find_worst_hours( leftover, numguys-1 );
            if ( next_guys_work > 0 )   {
                // valid solution
                TRACE( "GOOD PARTIAL, guy %d, work %d\n", numguys, mine );
                return mine;
            } else {
                // couldn't find a solution... try less hours
                // continue while loop

    return -1;      // couldn't find solution


 Num iterations = 1
Guys Left 4:I would do 14, rest would do 4
Num iterations = 2
Guys Left 3:I would do 2, rest would do 0
Guys Left 4:I would do 13, rest would do 31
Num iterations = 3
Guys Left 3:I would do 5, rest would do 6
Num iterations = 4
Guys Left 2:I would do 2, rest would do 2
Num iterations = 5
Guys Left 1:I would do 1, rest would do 1
Guys Left 2:I would do 1, rest would do 5
Num iterations = 6
Guys Left 1:I would do 2, rest would do 1
Guys Left 3:I would do 4, rest would do 15
Num iterations = 7
Guys Left 2:I would do 3, rest would do 6
Num iterations = 8
Guys Left 1:I would do 2, rest would do 2
Guys Left 2:I would do 2, rest would do 11
Num iterations = 9
Guys Left 1:I would do 3, rest would do 2
Guys Left 2:I would do 1, rest would do 14
Num iterations = 10
Guys Left 1:I would do 3, rest would do 5
Guys Left 3:I would do 3, rest would do 22
Num iterations = 11
Guys Left 2:I would do 4, rest would do 6
Num iterations = 12
Guys Left 1:I would do 2, rest would do 2
Guys Left 2:I would do 3, rest would do 13
Num iterations = 13
Guys Left 1:I would do 3, rest would do 4
Guys Left 2:I would do 2, rest would do 18
Num iterations = 14
Guys Left 1:I would do 4, rest would do 2
Guys Left 2:I would do 1, rest would do 21
Num iterations = 15
Guys Left 1:I would do 4, rest would do 5
Guys Left 3:I would do 2, rest would do 27
Num iterations = 16
Guys Left 2:I would do 5, rest would do 2
Num iterations = 17
Guys Left 1:I would do 1, rest would do 1
Guys Left 2:I would do 4, rest would do 11
Num iterations = 18
Guys Left 1:I would do 3, rest would do 2
Guys Left 2:I would do 3, rest would do 18
Num iterations = 19
Guys Left 1:I would do 4, rest would do 2
Guys Left 2:I would do 2, rest would do 23
Num iterations = 20
Guys Left 1:I would do 4, rest would do 7
Guys Left 2:I would do 1, rest would do 26
Num iterations = 21
Guys Left 1:I would do 5, rest would do 1
Guys Left 3:I would do 1, rest would do 30
Num iterations = 22
Guys Left 2:I would do 5, rest would do 5
Num iterations = 23
Guys Left 1:I would do 2, rest would do 1
Guys Left 2:I would do 4, rest would do 14
Num iterations = 24
Guys Left 1:I would do 3, rest would do 5
Guys Left 2:I would do 3, rest would do 21
Num iterations = 25
Guys Left 1:I would do 4, rest would do 5
Guys Left 2:I would do 2, rest would do 26
Num iterations = 26
Guys Left 1:I would do 5, rest would do 1
Guys Left 2:I would do 1, rest would do 29
Num iterations = 27
Guys Left 1:I would do 5, rest would do 4
Guys Left 4:I would do 12, rest would do 56
Num iterations = 28
Guys Left 3:I would do 7, rest would do 7
Num iterations = 29
Guys Left 2:I would do 2, rest would do 3
Num iterations = 30
Guys Left 1:I would do 1, rest would do 2
Guys Left 2:I would do 1, rest would do 6
Num iterations = 31
Guys Left 1:I would do 2, rest would do 2
Guys Left 3:I would do 6, rest would do 20
Num iterations = 32
Guys Left 2:I would do 4, rest would do 4
Num iterations = 33
Guys Left 1:I would do 2, rest would do 0
GOOD END, guy 1, work 2
GOOD PARTIAL, guy 2, work 4
GOOD PARTIAL, guy 3, work 6
GOOD PARTIAL, guy 4, work 12



\ $ \ begingroup \ $
6 ^ 2 + 6 ^ 2 + 8 ^ 2 + 8 ^ 2又如何呢?
\ $ \ endgroup \ $
– Heslacher

\ $ \ begingroup \ $
\ $ \ endgroup \ $
– Tibos

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