


是有没有好的BGP Peer fsm图? RFC4271没有fsm图:(

#1 楼



    Option 1:     DelayOpen

    Description: The DelayOpen optional session attribute allows
                 implementations to be configured to delay sending
                 an OPEN message for a specific time period
                 (DelayOpenTime).  The delay allows the remote BGP
                 Peer time to send the first OPEN message.

         Value:       TRUE or FALSE

如果两个扬声器都打开重复的TCP会话并在每个套接字上同时发送OPEN消息,则BGP标识符用于确定应关闭哪个套接字。请参阅RFC 4271第6.8节:

6.8. BGP Connection Collision Detection

If a pair of BGP speakers try to establish a BGP connection with each other 
simultaneously, then two parallel connections well be formed. If the source IP address 
used by one of these connections is the same as the destination IP address used by the 
other, and the destination IP address used by the first connection is the same as the 
source IP address used by the other, connection collision has occurred. In the event 
of connection collision, one of the connections MUST be closed.

Based on the value of the BGP Identifier, a convention is established for detecting 
which BGP connection is to be preserved when a collision occurs. The convention is to 
compare the BGP Identifiers of the peers involved in the collision and to retain only 
the connection initiated by the BGP speaker with the higher-valued BGP Identifier. 

是否有任何好的BGP Peer fsm图?

Wikipedia具有简化的BGP FSM。