BigQuery generally does a good job of loading Avro data, but "bq load" is having a lot of trouble with timestamps and other date/time fields that use the Avro logicalType attribute.

My data with Avro type timestamp-millis is mangled when BigQuery TIMESTAMP interprets them as microsecond timestamps (off by 1000).
A timestamp-micros integer that can load into TIMESTAMP becomes INVALID in a BigQuery DATETIME. I can't find an explanation of what would be valid at

Strings in ISO8601 format can't load into TIMESTAMP or DATETIME (Incompatible types error) but I think BigQuery would support that if I was loading plain JSON.
Avro "date" type fails to load into DATE (also Incompatible types).

I guess I could workaround these problems by always loading the data into temporary fields and using queries to CAST or transform them to additional fields, but that doesn't scale or support schema evolution or stream nicely. Producing data in Avro with well-defined schemas is supposed to avoid that extra step of transforming data again for different consumers.

Is BigQuery really this incompatible with Avro dates and times? (or am I doing something dumb)

Or is "bq load" the problem here? Is there a better way to load Avro data?


having a sample file could help debug this problem (if it's a bug, post here

I don't know if it's a bug or BigQuery just doesn't support loading Avro data into TIMESTAMP, DATETIME, and DATE data types. doesn't mention any of those 3 types. I'm not sure how to attach the binary Avro data file here..

This feature is now supported, follow for more information.

#1 楼

Native understanding for Avro Logical Types is now available publicly for all BigQuery users. Please refer to the documentation page here for more details:




#2 楼

Update: This feature is now supported, follow for more information.

As Hua said, Avro Logical Types are not supported in BigQuery but the supported way to load Avro data with timestamps is by using the LONG Avro type to load data into an existing BigQuery table that has a TIMESTAMP column. Also, the value should be microseconds (not seconds or milliseconds) from EPOCH. For example, the Avro file below has the a LONG field with value 1408452095000000 which will represent "2014-08-19 12:41:35".

The Avro file's schema:

% avro-tools getschema ~/dataset/simple_timestamp.avro
  "type" : "record",
  "name" : "FullName",
  "fields" : [ {
    "name" : "t",
    "type" : "long"
  } ]

Example of loading an Avro file to a table with a Timestamp field:

bq mk --schema t:TIMESTAMP -t vimota.simple_timestamp
bq load --source_format=AVRO vimota.simple_timestamp ~/dataset/simple_timestamp.avro
bq head vimota.simple_timestamp:

|          t          |
| 2014-08-19 12:41:35 |



– Sugimiyanto suma

@Sugimiyantosuma Can you use Avro's date logical type ( This is natively supported now in BigQuery if you're whitelisted or use useAvroLogicalTypes flag:

– Victor Mota
Dec 3 '18 at 18:13

#3 楼


在Kotlin中使用PostgreSQL JDBC库,我将时间戳重新计算为BigQuery内部格式(自Unix纪元开始以来的微秒)。



[ {"name": "job", "type": "string", "mode": "required"}, ... {"name": "began", "type": "timestamp", "mode": "required"}, ... ]



(object as java.sql.Timestamp).time * 1000

$ bq head test.test2 +------+----+----------+---------------------+---------+-----------+ | job | id | duration | began | status | node_name | +------+----+----------+---------------------+---------+-----------+ | job1 | 1 | 0.0 | 2012-04-01 00:00:00 | aStatus | aNodeName | | job2 | 1 | 0.0 | 2020-02-02 00:02:02 | aStatus | aNodeName | +------+----+----------+---------------------+---------+-----------+

Web UI不允许为Avro文件指定架构,但是CLI客户端和API可以指定。
