
import csv
import copy 

def main() :
  cells = [cell() for i in range(81)] #creates a list of 81 instances of the cell() class.
  cells = solve(cells) 

class cell() : 
  """This class stores the state of each cell on the board. 
  If self.value = 0, the cell is still unknown."""
  def __init__(self) :
    self.value = 0
    self.poss = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
  def __repr__(self) : 
    return "Value: {0} Possibles: {1}".format(self.value, self.poss)

def openpuzzle(cells) : 
  '''Open puzzle, copy into "cells" list'''
  with open('puzzle1.csv') as csvfile : 
    newCells = next(csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=","))  #read first line
    for i in range(len(cells)) : 
      cells[i].value = int(newCells[i])
  return cells

def printboard(cells) :
  """prints out the board"""
  divider = "." * 21 
  print divider
  for i in range(len(cells)) :
    if cells[i].value == 0 : 
      cValue = " " 
    else : 
      cValue = str(cells[i].value)
    if i % 27 == 0 and i != 0 : 
      print "------+-------+------"
    if (i + 1) % 9 != 0 :
      if i % 9 in [2,5] : 
        print "{} |".format(cValue),
      else :
        print cValue ,
    else : 
      print cValue
  print divider , "\n"

def printposs(cells) :

  possList = []
  for row in range(27) : #iterates over rows to print
    if row % 9 == 0 and row != 0 : #dividers 
      print "{0}\n{0}".format("*" * 76)
    elif row % 3 == 0 and row != 0 : 
      print "{}{}{}{}{}".format("-" * 24 , "**" , "-" * 25 , "**" , "-" * 24) #end dividers 
    for cell in range(9) : #iterates over cells in the row
      for i in range((row % 3) * 3 ,((row % 3) * 3) + 3 ) : #iterates over the three slots for each cell in a row.
        if cells[cell + (row / 3 * 9)].value != 0 : 
          if row % 3 in [0,2] :
          elif i % 3 in [0,2] : 
          else :
            possList.append(cells[cell + (row / 3 * 9)].value)
        elif (i + 1) in cells[cell + (row / 3 * 9)].poss :
          possList.append(i + 1)
        else : 
          possList.append(" ")
    print" {} {} {} | {} {} {} | {} {} {}  **  {} {} {} | {} {} {} | {} {} {}  **  {} {} {} | {} {} {} | {} {} {}".format(*possList)
    possList = []

def printkey() :
  """prints out a key of cell indicies"""
  divider = "." * 30
  print divider
  for i in range(81) :
    if i % 27 == 0 and i != 0 : 
      print "---------+----------+---------"
    if (i + 1) % 9 != 0 :
      if i % 9 in [2,5] : 
        print "{1}{0} |".format(i , " " * (len(str(i)) % 2)),
      else :
        print "{1}{0}".format(i ," " * (len(str(i)) % 2)) ,
    else : 
      print "{1}{0}".format(i ," " * (len(str(i)) % 2))
  print divider , "\n"

def elim(cells, check) :
  """recieves the board and a check cell, eliminates possibles in check cell based on known values in the row, column, and square."""
  printStats = False
  #Is value known? 
  if check.value != 0 : 
    check.poss = [] 
  else :
    for i in range((cells.index(check) / 9) * 9 , (cells.index(check) / 9) * 9 + 9) :
      if cells[i].value in check.poss :
    start = cells.index(check) % 9 
    for i in range(9) :
      if cells[start + i * 9].value in check.poss :
        check.poss.remove(cells[start + i * 9].value)
    start = ((cells.index(check) / 3) * 3) % 9 + ((cells.index(check) / 27) * 27)
    for i in range(3) : 
      for j in range(3) : 
        if cells[start + (i * 9) + j].value in check.poss : 
          check.poss.remove(cells[start + (i * 9) + j].value)
    #Check if one poss is left
    if len(check.poss) == 1 :
      check.value = check.poss[0]
      if printStats :
        print "elimination......." , cells.index(check) 
      check.poss = []
  return cells

def unique(cells, check) : 
  '''Recieves the board and a check cell, checks if any possibles are unique to row, column, or box. Must be run AFTER elim(). '''
  printStats = False
  if check.value == 0 : 
    for i in range(len(check.poss)) : #iterates the check procedure over posslibles for the cell 
      for ref in range((cells.index(check) / 9) * 9 , (cells.index(check) / 9) * 9 + 9) : #iterates over reference cells
        if check.poss[i] in cells[ref].poss and cells.index(check) != ref : #checks if ref cell contains poss, breaks if true, moving to next check.poss 
      else : 
        check.value = check.poss[i] 
        check.poss = [] 
        if printStats : 
          print "unique in Row....." , cells.index(check)
  if check.value == 0 :
    start = cells.index(check) % 9 
    for i in range(len(check.poss)) : #iterates the check procedure over posslibles for the cell 
      for ref in range(9) : #iterate over ref cells 
        if check.poss[i] in cells[start + ref * 9].poss and cells.index(check) != start + ref * 9 : 
      else : 
        check.value = check.poss[i] 
        check.poss = [] 
        if printStats : 
          print "unique in Column.." , cells.index(check)
  if check.value == 0 : 
    start = ((cells.index(check) / 3) * 3) % 9 + ((cells.index(check) / 27) * 27)
    for i in range(len(check.poss)) : #iterates over possibles for cell
      dupFound = False
      for boxRow in range(3) : #iterates over ref cells
        if not dupFound : 
          for boxCol in range(3) : 
            if check.poss[i] in cells[start + (boxRow * 9) + boxCol].poss and cells.index(check) != start + (boxRow * 9) + boxCol : 
              dupFound = True 
      if not dupFound : 
        check.value = check.poss[i] 
        check.poss = [] 
        if printStats : 
          print "unique in Square.." , cells.index(check)        
  return cells

def subset(cells,check) : 
  '''Recieves a cell to check and the board, checks if other cells have identical poss lists in the row, column, or box, and the number of identical cells is equal to the number of possibilities. If so, remove those possibilities from the rest of the row, column, or box.'''
  printStats = False
  if check.value == 0 : 
    dups = [cells.index(check)]
    for ref in range((cells.index(check) / 9) * 9 , (cells.index(check) / 9) * 9 + 9) : #iterates over reference cells
      if check.poss == cells[ref].poss and cells.index(check) != ref : #checks if poss lists are equivalent
        if printStats : 
          print "Found subset row candidate, cell {}.".format(cells.index(check)) 
        if len(dups) == len(check.poss) : #checks if the number of duplicate cells is equal to number of possibles 
          if printStats : 
            print "***Found subset row, cell {}!".format(cells.index(check))
          for remove in range((cells.index(check) / 9) * 9 , (cells.index(check) / 9) * 9 + 9) : #iterates over cells to remove from 
            if remove not in dups : #if we're not in one of the duplicates
              for poss in check.poss :
                if poss in cells[remove].poss :
    dups = [cells.index(check)] 
    start = cells.index(check) % 9 
    for ref in range(9) : #iterates over reference cells
      if check.poss == cells[start + ref * 9].poss and cells.index(check) != start + ref * 9 : # check if equiv
        dups.append(start + ref * 9)
        if printStats : 
          print "Found subset column candidate, cell {}.".format(cells.index(check)) 
        if len(dups) == len(check.poss) : #check if number of dups equals the number of possibles 
          if printStats : 
            print "***Found subset column, cell {}!".format(cells.index(check))
          for remove in range(9) : #iterates over cells to remove from 
            if (start + remove * 9)  not in dups : #if we're not in one of the duplicates
              for poss in check.poss :
                if poss in cells[start + remove * 9].poss :
                  cells[start + remove * 9].poss.remove(poss)
    dups = [cells.index(check)] 
    start = ((cells.index(check) / 3) * 3) % 9 + ((cells.index(check) / 27) * 27)
    for boxRow in range(3) : #iterate over ref cells
      for boxCol in range(3) : 
        if check.poss == cells[start + (boxRow * 9) + boxCol].poss and cells.index(check) != start + (boxRow * 9) + boxCol : #check if equiv 
          dups.append(start + (boxRow * 9) + boxCol)
          if printStats : 
            print "Found subset square candidate, cell {}.".format(cells.index(check)) 
          if len(dups) == len(check.poss) : #check if number of dups equals the number of possibles 
            if printStats : 
              print "***Found subset square, cell {}!".format(cells.index(check))
            for boxRowRem in range(3) : #iterate over ref cells
              for boxColRem in range(3) : 
                if (start + (boxRowRem * 9) + boxColRem) not in dups : #if we're not in one of the duplicates
                  for poss in check.poss :
                    if poss in cells[start + (boxRowRem * 9) + boxColRem].poss :
                      cells[start + (boxRowRem * 9) + boxColRem].poss.remove(poss)

  return cells       

def solve(cells) : 
  printStats = False
  change = True
  passes = 0 
  while change : #iterates check process with elim() and unique() until either solved or can't solve
    if printStats : 
      print "Ran Loop {0}".format(passes)
    cellsHist = copy.deepcopy(cells) # create history of cells 
    for i in range(len(cells)) : #iterates elim(), unique(), and subset() over cells of the board. 
    for j in range(len(cells)) : #check if cells is equal to its history, call guess() if so. 
      if cells[j].value != cellsHist[j].value or cells[j].poss != cellsHist[j].poss : 
        cells = guess(cells)
    else : 
      change = False 
    passes += 1 
    if printStats : 
  for i in range(len(cells)) : #check if puzzle was solved 
    if cells[i].value == 0 : 
      print "Could not solve."
    print "Solved!"
  return cells

def backgroundsolve(cells) : 
  ''' same as solve() without any printouts, gets called by guess()'''
  printStats = False
  change = True
  passes = 0 
  while change : #iterates check process with elim() and unique() until either solved or can't solve
    if printStats : 
      print "Ran Loop {0}".format(passes)
    cellsHist = copy.deepcopy(cells) # create history of cells 
    for i in range(len(cells)) : #iterates elim() and unique() over cells of the board. 
    for j in range(len(cells)) : #check if cells is equal to its history, break while loop if so. 
      if cells[j].value != cellsHist[j].value : 
      elif cells[j].poss != cellsHist[j].poss : 
    else : 
      change = False 
    passes += 1 
    if printStats : 
  return cells 

def checkpuzzle(cells) : 
  ''' checks the puzzle to make sure there were no errors in solving''' 
  noError = True 
  for row in range(9) : 
    checkList = [] 
    for cell in range(9) : #Build checklist
      checkList.append(cells[(row * 9) + cell].value)
    for i in range(1,10) : 
      if i not in checkList : 
        print "ERROR: {} NOT IN ROW {}".format(i, row + 1)
        noError = False
  for column in range(9) :
    checkList = []
    for cell in range(9) : #Build checklist
      checkList.append(cells[column + (cell * 9)].value)
    for i in range(1,10) : 
      if i not in checkList : 
        print "ERROR: {} NOT IN COLUMN {}".format(i, column + 1)
        noError = False
  for square in range(9) :
    checkList = [] 
    for boxRow in range(3) :
      for boxColumn in range(3) :
        checkList.append(cells[(square / 3) * 27 + ((square % 3) * 3) + (boxRow * 9) + boxColumn].value)
    for i in range(1,10) : 
      if i not in checkList : 
        print "ERROR: {} NOT IN BOX {}".format(i, square + 1)
        noError = False
  #Print Results 
  if noError : 
    print "Check complete. No Errors."
  else : 
    print "Check complete."

def backgroundcheckpuzzle(cells) :
  ''' same as checkpuzzle() but without any printouts.''' 
  noError = True 
  for row in range(9) : 
    checkList = [] 
    for cell in range(9) : #Build checklist
      checkList.append(cells[(row * 9) + cell].value)
    for i in range(1,10) : 
      if i not in checkList : 
        noError = False
  for column in range(9) :
    checkList = []
    for cell in range(9) : #Build checklist
      checkList.append(cells[column + (cell * 9)].value)
    for i in range(1,10) : 
      if i not in checkList : 
        noError = False
  for square in range(9) :
    checkList = [] 
    for boxRow in range(3) :
      for boxColumn in range(3) :
        checkList.append(cells[(square / 3) * 27 + ((square % 3) * 3) + (boxRow * 9) + boxColumn].value)
    for i in range(1,10) : 
      if i not in checkList : 
        noError = False
  return noError

def guess(cells) :
  '''Iterates over cells and selects each possibility and sees if that will solve the puzzle with backgroundsolve() and checks it with backgroundcheckpuzzle().'''
  continueCheck = True
  while continueCheck :
    for i in range(len(cells)) : 
      for j in range(len(cells[i].poss)) :
        cellsHist = copy.deepcopy(cells) 
        cells[i].value = cells[i].poss[j] 
        if backgroundcheckpuzzle(cells) : 
          continueCheck = False 
        else : 
          cells = cellsHist
    else : 
      continueCheck = False 
  return cells






#1 楼

我会比@AndrewAu的建议走得更远。您需要花费大量的代码和时间来迭代行,列和正方形。由于这些是针对某个单元格“固定”的,因此为什么不构建一些共享的数据结构并从每个单元格链接到它们呢? >
cell.row = {set of cells, including this one, in the row}
cell.col = {set of cells, including this one, in the col}
cell.square = {set of cells, including this one, in the square}




def elim(cells, check):
    # ...

    for i in range((cells.index(check) / 9) * 9, (cells.index(check) / 9) * 9 + 9):
        if cells[i].value in check.poss:


    for other in check.row:


def unique(cells, check): 
    '''Recieves the board and a check cell, checks if any possibles
    are unique to row, column, or box. Must be run AFTER elim().

    printStats = False

    if not check.value:
        this_row = check.row - {check}    # set difference

        for p in check.poss:
            if not any(p in other.poss for other in this_row):
                check.value = p
                if printStats : 
                    print "unique in Row....." , cells.index(check)


for i in range(len(check.poss)):


for p in check.poss:


for i, p in enumerate(check.poss):


#2 楼



我想指出的第一件事是使用内存时,您会在各个地方对所有单元进行深拷贝。这样做很方便,但是也要占用很多空间。对于唯一/ elim / subset函数,如果更换了木板,您可以简单地返回一个标志,然后将副本保存在solve函数中。








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#3 楼

从理论上讲,您甚至根本不需要elim,因为subset应该涵盖其功能以及更多功能。 (“如果一个组中有N个空正方形,并且它们都只有相同的N个可能值,则同一组中的所有其他正方形不能具有任何相同的值。”) elim,其中N限制为1。

还有subset的更通用版本,它将涵盖其功能,这将使您能够解决更难的难题,并删除多余的unique函数。 (“如果一个组中有N个空正方形,并且它们是该组中唯一可以具有N个可能值的正方形,那么这些正方形不能具有任何其他值。”)




while change:
  while change:
    # current activity, but no call to guess(), update change variable
  if not change:
    # call to guess(), update change variable

请注意,与以前一样,一旦使用while change ed,则求解器实际上可能会产生矛盾在拼图状态下,对于一个单元格或组中具有相同值的多个单元格,可能没有值。您尚未为您的猜测实施回溯,因此仍然有可能。您的guess例程将仅停止执行一步,而不是完全的猜测回溯。


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–罗斯·米利坎(Ross Millikan)

#4 楼



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–罗斯·米利坎(Ross Millikan)

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