我正在尝试从Android Unity游戏中提取符号,以检测与该游戏相关的东西,以便可以拦截并替换变量。

有什么帮助吗? />

#1 楼




谢谢。用过awaitForCondition :)


#2 楼


    // Constants
    const kIgnoreArg = '-';

    // Utils
    function pmalloc() {
        return Memory.alloc(Process.pointerSize);
    function debug() {
        send({ event: 'DEBUG', data: Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments).join(' ') });

    // Globals
    var Metadata = {}; // < className, { pointer, methods < methodName, { pointer, args[], returnType } >, fields } >
    var Global = {}; // save global variables across hooks
    var MonoApi = {
        mono_image_get_table_rows: ['int', ['MonoImage*', 'int'/*table_id*/]],
        mono_class_get: ['MonoClass*', ['MonoImage*', 'int'/*type_token*/]],
        mono_class_get_parent: ['MonoClass*', ['MonoClass*']],
        mono_class_get_name: ['char*', ['MonoClass*']],
        mono_method_get_name: ['char*', ['MonoMethod*']],
        mono_class_get_methods: ['MonoMethod*', ['MonoClass*', 'iter*']],
        mono_class_get_fields: ['MonoClassField*', ['MonoClass*', 'iter*']],
        mono_signature_get_params: ['MonoType*', ['MonoMethod*', 'iter*']],
        mono_field_full_name: ['char*', ['MonoField*']],
        mono_class_get_namespace: ['char*', ['MonoClass*']],
        mono_type_full_name: ['char*', ['MonoType*']],
        mono_signature_get_return_type: ['MonoType*', ['MonoMethodSignature*']],
        mono_class_get_method_from_name: ['MonoMethod*', ['MonoClass*', 'name*', 'int'/*number of params. -1 for any*/]],
        mono_method_signature: ['MonoMethodSignature*', ['MonoMethod*']],
        /** gpointer mono_compile_method (MonoMethod *method)
         * http://docs.go-mono.com/index.aspx?link=xhtml%3Adeploy%2Fmono-api-unsorted.html */
        mono_compile_method: ['gpointer*'/* pointer to the native code produced.*/, ['MonoMethod*']],
         * char* mono_string_to_utf8 (MonoString *s)
         * @param    s  a System.String
         * @Description
         # TODO mono_free
         *       Returns the UTF8 representation for s. The resulting buffer needs to be freed with mono_free().
         *       deprecated Use mono_string_to_utf8_checked to avoid having an exception arbritraly raised.
        mono_string_to_utf8: ['char*', ['System.String*']],
        getClassMethods: function (klass) {
            var method, methods = {}, iter = pmalloc();

            while ( !(method = MonoApi.mono_class_get_methods(klass, iter)).isNull() ) {
                var methodName = MonoApi.mono_method_get_name(method).readUtf8String();
                if (!methodName.startsWith('<') /*|| methodName.startsWith('.')*/) {
                    var methodRef = MonoApi.mono_class_get_method_from_name(klass, Memory.allocUtf8String(methodName), -1);
                    var monoSignature = MonoApi.mono_method_signature(methodRef);
                    var retType = MonoApi.mono_type_full_name(MonoApi.mono_signature_get_return_type(monoSignature)).readUtf8String();
                    var args = MonoApi.getSignatureParams(monoSignature);
                    methods[methodName] = { ref: methodRef, args: args, ret: retType };

            return methods;
        getSignatureParams: function (monoSignature) {
            var params, fields = [], iter = pmalloc();

            while ( !(params = MonoApi.mono_signature_get_params(monoSignature, iter)).isNull() )
                fields.push( MonoApi.mono_type_full_name(params).readUtf8String() );

            return fields;
        getClassFields: function (monoClass) {
            var field, fields = [], iter = pmalloc();

            while ( !(field = MonoApi.mono_class_get_fields(monoClass, iter)).isNull() )
                    MonoApi.mono_field_full_name(field).readUtf8String().split(':')[1] );

            return fields;
        init: function() {
            var monoModule = Process.findModuleByName('mono.dll');
            debug("Process.findModuleByName('mono.dll') ? " + monoModule);
            if (!monoModule) {
                var monoThreadAttach = Module.findExportByName(null, 'mono_thread_attach');
                debug("monoThreadAttach ? " + monoThreadAttach);
                if (monoThreadAttach)
                    monoModule = Process.findModuleByAddress(monoThreadAttach);
            if (!monoModule) throw new Error('Mono.dll not found');

            Object.keys(MonoApi).map(function(exportName) {
                var monoApiIter = MonoApi[exportName];
                if (typeof monoApiIter === 'object') {
                    var returnValue = monoApiIter[0].endsWith('*') ? 'pointer' : monoApiIter[0];
                    var argumentTypes = monoApiIter[1].map(function(t) { return t.endsWith('*') ? 'pointer' : t });
                    var exportAddress = Module.findExportByName(monoModule.name, exportName);
                    MonoApi[exportName] = new NativeFunction(exportAddress, returnValue, argumentTypes);

    function intercept(op) {
        var nothingSetSoJustLogMethodArguments = !op.argumentsKeys && !op.onEnterCallback && !op.onLeaveCallback;
        var method = Metadata[op.className].methods[op.methodName];
        debug('Intercepting', op.className + '#' + op.methodName, JSON.stringify(method));
        // TODO assert re compile is necessary
        var monoCompileMethod = MonoApi.mono_compile_method(method.ref);
        Interceptor.attach(monoCompileMethod, {
            onEnter: function (args) {
                var argsValues = {};
                for (var i = 0, l = method.args.length; i < l; i++) {
                    var key = op.argumentsKeys ? op.argumentsKeys[i] : i;
                    if (key === kIgnoreArg)
                    var j = i + 1;
                    switch (method.args[i]) {
                        case 'string':
                            argsValues[key] = MonoApi.mono_string_to_utf8(args[j]).readUtf8String();
                        case 'long':
                        case 'int':
                            argsValues[key] = parseInt(args[j]);
                            argsValues[key] = args[j];

                if (nothingSetSoJustLogMethodArguments)
                    debug(op.className + '#' + op.methodName, JSON.stringify(argsValues, null, 2));

                if (op.onEnterCallback)
            onLeave: function (retval) {
                if (op.onLeaveCallback)

    function getMetadata(monoImage) {
        // MONO_TABLE_TYPEDEF = 0x2; // https://github.com/mono/mono/blob/master/mono/metadata/blob.h#L56
        for (var i = 1, l = MonoApi.mono_image_get_table_rows(monoImage, 0x2); i < l; ++i) {
            // MONO_TOKEN_TYPE_DEF = 0x2000000 // https://github.com/mono/mono/blob/master/mono/metadata/tokentype.h#L16
            var mClass = MonoApi.mono_class_get(monoImage, 0x2000000 | i);
            var className = MonoApi.mono_class_get_name(mClass).readUtf8String();
            var classNameSpace = MonoApi.mono_class_get_namespace(mClass).readUtf8String();
            try {
                var parentClassName = MonoApi.mono_class_get_name( MonoApi.mono_class_get_parent(mClass) ).readUtf8String();
                if (parentClassName === 'MonoBehaviour' && classNameSpace === '') {
                    Metadata[className] = {
                        // namespace: classNameSpace,
                        ref: mClass,
                        methods: MonoApi.getClassMethods(mClass),
                        fields: MonoApi.getClassFields(mClass)
            } catch (e) {
                debug("Error @ getMetadata/mono_class_get_parent", e);
        send({ event: 'METADATA', data: Metadata });

    function hookMonoLoad() {
        // hooking the method in charge of loading the DLL files
        Interceptor.attach(Module.findExportByName(null, 'mono_assembly_load_from_full'), {
            onEnter: function (args) {
                // passing variables to onLeave scope using 'this'
                this._args = {
                    image: args[0], // MonoImage* Image to load the assembly from
                    fname: args[1].readUtf8String() // const char* assembly name to associate with the assembly
                    // status: args[2], // MonoImageOpenStatus* returns the status condition
                    // refonly: args[3] // gboolean Whether this assembly is being opened in "reflection-only" mode.
            onLeave: function (_retval) {
                // Return value: A valid pointer to a MonoAssembly* on success and the status will be set to MONO_IMAGE_OK
                //               or NULL on error.
                if (this._args.fname.endsWith('Assembly-CSharp.dll')) {

    function awaitForCondition(func) {
        // From MDN: If this parameter is less than 10, a value of 10 is used. Note that the actual delay may be longer;
        var delay = 10; // Fight for CPU
        var intervalPointer = setInterval(function() {
            // The condition that asserts Mono's required resources can be hooked
            // TODO switch with intercepting dlopen wait for mono.dll ?
            // FIXME use Module.ensureInitialized(name)
            if (Module.findExportByName(null, 'mono_get_root_domain')) {
                func(); // Executing the passed function
        }, delay);

    // Main