我正在研究一个包含一系列Microsoft Excel加载项(.xlam)的小项目。此处提交的代码位于Reflection项目中:

随意评论项目体系结构,但我对Reflection.LinqEnumerable类最感兴趣。 /> Linq吗?

  MultiUse = -1  'True
Attribute VB_Name = "LinqEnumerable"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = False
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True
Attribute VB_Exposed = True
Private encapsulated As New Collection
Option Explicit

Private Function EquateReferenceTypes(value As Variant, other As Variant) As Boolean

    Dim equatable As IEquatable
    If TypeOf value Is IEquatable Then
        Set equatable = value
        EquateReferenceTypes = equatable.Equals(other)
        EquateReferenceTypes = (ObjPtr(value) = ObjPtr(other))
    End If

End Function

Private Function EquateValueTypes(value As Variant, other As Variant) As Boolean
    EquateValueTypes = (value = other)
End Function

Friend Sub Add(ParamArray values())

    Dim valuesArray() As Variant
    valuesArray = values

    AddArray valuesArray

End Sub

Friend Sub Concat(ByVal values As LinqEnumerable)
    AddArray values.ToArray
End Sub

Friend Sub AddArray(values() As Variant)

    Dim value As Variant, i As Long
    For i = LBound(values) To UBound(values)
        encapsulated.Add values(i)

End Sub

Public Property Get Item(ByVal index As Long) As Variant
Attribute Item.VB_Description = "Gets or sets the element at the specified index."
Attribute Item.VB_UserMemId = 0

    If IsObject(encapsulated(index)) Then
        Set Item = encapsulated(index)
        Item = encapsulated(index)
    End If

End Property

Public Property Get NewEnum() As IUnknown
Attribute NewEnum.VB_Description = "Gets an enumerator that iterates through the sequence."
Attribute NewEnum.VB_UserMemId = -4
Attribute NewEnum.VB_MemberFlags = "40"
    Set NewEnum = encapsulated.[_NewEnum]
End Property

Public Property Get Count() As Long
Attribute Count.VB_Description = "Gets the number of elements in the sequence."
    Count = encapsulated.Count
End Property

Public Function Contains(ByVal value As Variant) As Boolean
Attribute Contains.VB_Description = "Determines whether an element is in the sequence."
    Contains = (IndexOf(value) <> -1)
End Function

Public Function Distinct() As LinqEnumerable
Attribute Distinct.VB_Description = "Returns distinct elements from the sequence."
    Dim result As New LinqEnumerable
    Dim value As Variant
    For Each value In encapsulated
        If Not result.Contains(value) Then result.Add value
    Set Distinct = result
End Function

Public Function Except(ByVal values As LinqEnumerable) As LinqEnumerable
Attribute Except.VB_Description = "Produces the set difference with specified sequence."

    Dim result As New LinqEnumerable
    Dim value As Variant
    For Each value In encapsulated
        If Not values.Contains(value) Then result.Add value
    Set Except = result
End Function

Public Function First() As Variant
Attribute First.VB_Description = "Returns the first element in the sequence."

    If Count = 0 Then Exit Function
    If IsObject(Item(1)) Then
        Set First = Item(1)
        First = Item(1)
    End If

End Function

Public Function FromArray(ByRef values() As Variant) As LinqEnumerable
Attribute FromArray.VB_Description = "Creates a new instance by copying elements of an array."
    Dim result As New LinqEnumerable
    result.AddArray values
    Set FromArray = result
End Function

Public Function FromCollection(ByVal values As VBA.Collection) As LinqEnumerable
Attribute FromCollection.VB_Description = "Creates a new instance by copying elements of a VBA.Collection instance."
    Dim result As New LinqEnumerable
    Dim value As Variant
    For Each value In values
        result.Add value
    Set FromCollection = result
End Function

Public Function FromEnumerable(ByVal value As System.Enumerable) As LinqEnumerable
Attribute FromEnumerable.VB_Description = "Creates a new instance by copying elements of a System.Enumerable instance."
    Dim result As LinqEnumerable
    Set result = LinqEnumerable.FromArray(value.ToArray)
    Set FromEnumerable = result
End Function

Public Function FromList(ByVal values As System.List) As LinqEnumerable
Attribute FromList.VB_Description = "Creates a new instance by copying elements of a System.List instance."
    Dim result As New LinqEnumerable
    Dim value As Variant
    For Each value In values
        result.Add value
    Set FromList = result
End Function

Public Function GetRange(ByVal index As Long, ByVal valuesCount As Long) As LinqEnumerable
Attribute GetRange.VB_Description = "Creates a copy of a range of elements."

    Dim result As LinqEnumerable
    If index > Count Then Err.Raise 9

    Dim lastIndex As Long
    lastIndex = IIf(index + valuesCount > Count, Count, index + valuesCount)

    Set result = New LinqEnumerable

    Dim i As Long
    For i = index To lastIndex
        result.Add Item(i)

    Set GetRange = result

End Function

Public Function IndexOf(value As Variant) As Long
Attribute IndexOf.VB_Description = "Searches for the specified object and returns the 1-based index of the first occurrence within the sequence."

    Dim found As Boolean
    Dim isRef As Boolean

    If Count = 0 Then IndexOf = -1: Exit Function
    Dim i As Long
    For i = 1 To Count

        If IsObject(Item(i)) Then

            found = EquateReferenceTypes(value, Item(i))

            found = EquateValueTypes(value, Item(i))
        End If

        If found Then IndexOf = i: Exit Function


    IndexOf = -1

End Function

Public Function Last() As Variant
Attribute Last.VB_Description = "Returns the last element of the sequence."

    If Count = 0 Then Exit Function
    If IsObject(Item(Count)) Then
        Set Last = Item(Count)
        Last = Item(Count)
    End If

End Function

Public Function LastIndexOf(value As Variant) As Long
Attribute LastIndexOf.VB_Description = "Searches for the specified object and returns the 1-based index of the last occurrence within the sequence."

    Dim found As Boolean
    Dim isRef As Boolean

    LastIndexOf = -1
    If Count = 0 Then Exit Function

    Dim i As Long
    For i = 1 To Count

        If IsObject(Item(i)) Then

            found = EquateReferenceTypes(value, Item(i))

            found = EquateValueTypes(value, Item(i))
        End If

        If found Then LastIndexOf = i


End Function

Public Function ToArray() As Variant()
Attribute ToArray.VB_Description = "Copies the entire sequence into an array."

    Dim result() As Variant
    ReDim result(1 To Count)

    Dim i As Long
    If Count = 0 Then Exit Function

    For i = 1 To Count
        If IsObject(Item(i)) Then
            Set result(i) = Item(i)
            result(i) = Item(i)
        End If
    ToArray = result

End Function

Public Function ToDictionary(ByVal keySelector As Delegate, Optional ByVal valueSelector As Delegate = Nothing) As Scripting.Dictionary
Attribute ToDictionary.VB_Description = "Creates a System.Dictionary according to specified key selector and element selector functions."
    Dim result As New Scripting.Dictionary
    Dim value As Variant
    For Each value In encapsulated
        If valueSelector Is Nothing Then
            result.Add keySelector.Execute(value), value
            result.Add keySelector.Execute(value), valueSelector.Execute(value)
        End If
    Set ToDictionary = result
End Function

Public Function ToCollection() As VBA.Collection
Attribute ToCollection.VB_Description = "Copies the entire sequence into a new VBA.Collection."

    Dim result As New VBA.Collection
    Dim value As Variant
    For Each value In encapsulated
        result.Add value
    Set ToCollection = result

End Function

Public Function ToList() As System.List
Attribute ToList.VB_Description = "Copies the entire sequence into a new System.List."
    Dim result As System.List
    Set result = List.Create
    result.AddArray Me.ToArray
    Set ToList = result
End Function

Public Function OfTypeName(ByVal value As String) As LinqEnumerable
Attribute OfTypeName.VB_Description = "Filters elements based on a specified type."
    Dim result As LinqEnumerable
    Dim element As Variant
    For Each element In encapsulated
        If TypeName(element) = value Then result.Add element
    Set OfTypeName = result
End Function

Public Function SelectValues(ByVal selector As Delegate) As LinqEnumerable
Attribute SelectValues.VB_Description = "Projects each element of the sequence."
    Dim result As New LinqEnumerable
    Dim element As Variant
    For Each element In encapsulated
        result.Add selector.Execute(element)
    Set SelectValues = result
End Function

Public Function SelectMany(ByVal selector As Delegate) As LinqEnumerable
Attribute SelectMany.VB_Description = "Projects each element into a sequence of elements, and flattens the resulting sequences into one sequence."
    Dim result As New LinqEnumerable
    Dim element As Variant
    For Each element In encapsulated
        'verbose, but works with anything that supports a For Each loop
        Dim subList As Variant
        Set subList = selector.Execute(element)
        Dim subElement As Variant
        For Each subElement In subList
            result.Add subElement
    Set SelectMany = result
End Function

Public Function Aggregate(ByVal accumulator As Delegate) As Variant
Attribute Aggregate.VB_Description = "Applies an accumulator function over a sequence."

    Dim result As Variant

    Dim isFirst As Boolean

    Dim value As Variant
    For Each value In encapsulated
        If isFirst Then
            result = value
            isFirst = False
            result = accumulator.Execute(result, value)
        End If

    Aggregate = result

End Function

Public Function Where(ByVal predicate As Delegate) As LinqEnumerable
Attribute Where.VB_Description = "Filters the sequence based on a predicate."

    Dim result As New LinqEnumerable

    Dim element As Variant
    For Each element In encapsulated
        If predicate.Execute(element) Then result.Add element
    Set Where = result

End Function

Public Function FirstWhere(ByVal predicate As Delegate) As Variant
Attribute FirstWhere.VB_Description = "Returns the first element of the sequence that satisfies a specified condition."

    Dim element As Variant
    For Each element In encapsulated
        If predicate.Execute(element) Then
            If IsObject(element) Then
                Set FirstWhere = element
                FirstWhere = element
            End If
            Exit Function
        End If
End Function

Public Function LastWhere(ByVal predicate As Delegate) As Variant
Attribute LastWhere.VB_Description = "Returns the last element of the sequence that satisfies a specified condition.."
    Dim result As Variant
    Dim element As Variant
    For Each element In encapsulated
        If predicate.Execute(element) Then
            If IsObject(element) Then
                Set result = element
                result = element
            End If
        End If
    If IsObject(result) Then
        Set LastWhere = result
        LastWhere = result
    End If
End Function

Public Function CountIf(ByVal predicate As Delegate) As Long
Attribute CountIf.VB_Description = "Returns a number that represents how many elements in the specified sequence satisfy a condition."

    Dim result As Long

    Dim element As Variant
    For Each element In encapsulated
        If predicate.Execute(element) Then result = result + 1

    CountIf = result

End Function

Public Function AllItems(ByVal predicate As Delegate) As Boolean
Attribute AllItems.VB_Description = "Determines whether all elements of the sequence satisfy a condition."
    Dim element As Variant
    For Each element In encapsulated
        If Not predicate.Execute(element) Then
            Exit Function
        End If
    AllItems = True
End Function

Public Function AnyItem(ByVal predicate As Delegate) As Boolean
Attribute AnyItem.VB_Description = "Determines whether any element of the sequence satisfy a condition."

    Dim element As Variant
    For Each element In encapsulated
        If predicate.Execute(element) Then
            AnyItem = True
            Exit Function
        End If

End Function



Select重命名为SelectValues,因为“选择”是保留关键字。 /> OfType被重命名为更精确的OfTypeName,因为该函数实际上是在比较类型名称;在VBA中可以进行类型比较,但不能在值类型中进行类型比较-仅比较类型名称并进行验证比较容易。

那么,这是LINQ-VBA语言集成查询吗?不确定...但是,这与普通的普通香草Collection类肯定相距许多步骤。 class =“ lang-none prettyprint-override”> fox brown quick the


IMO:无论您多么努力,使用VBA都绝对不可能使用LINQ,因为除了类成员之外,这是VBA无法模仿的全新语法和功能,这是LINQ不仅仅是类库的原因之一。 ..也许我只是不称职... :)

我认为阻止我的是VBA中没有扩展方法。但是它们只是静态方法调用的语法糖。 LINQ查询语法已编译为方法调用...好吧,在VBA中没有IQueryable ...,但真正的showtopper是延迟执行/延迟评估。还有查询提供程序的概念,因此LINQ to Entities可以吐出T-SQL。我并不是在谈论在VBA中实现所有LINQ ...而是使用Delegate类,现在可以实现大多数System.Linq.Enumerable。可枚举。就在两天前,在VBA中对我来说是不可能的。

如果您使用元数据,@ RezoMegrelidze可以以某种方式将函数作为参数传递。例如,按功能名称命名为Application.Run或UDF hack

VBA没有函数指针并不完全正确。他们只是没有得到很好的支持。 AddressOf返回一个带符号的4字节整数值,该整数值表示指定proc的地址,但是我不确定您是否想在该兔子洞中钻下去。


#1 楼




Dim value As Variant, i As Long 'value is unused?
For i = LBound(values) To UBound(values)
    encapsulated.Add values(i)

Dim value As Variant
For Each value In values
    result.Add value

Set result = LinqEnumerable.FromArray(value.ToArray)


Private Sub Extend(ByVal sequence As Variant)
    Dim element As Variant
    For Each element in sequence
        encapsulated.Add element
    Next element
End Sub
Friend Sub Add(ParamArray values() As Variant)
    Extend values
End Sub
Friend Sub Concat(ByVal values As LinqEnumerable)
    Extend values
End Sub
Friend Sub AddArray(values() As Variant)
    Extend values
End Sub
' Optional New methods
Friend Sub AddCollection(ByVal values As VBA.Collection)
    Extend values
End Sub
Friend Sub AddList(ByVal values As System.List)
    Extend values
End Sub

如果要强制执行类型安全性,可以保留它们,但我不会。您需要为要支持的每个其他容器添加两个新方法。老实说,我只转储ExtendAdd并制作Extend Friend,然后仅创建这两个方法。

Public Function FromCollection(ByVal values As VBA.Collection) As LinqEnumerable
Attribute FromCollection.VB_Description = "Creates a new instance by copying elements of a VBA.Collection instance."

    Dim result As New LinqEnumerable
    result.AddCollection values
    Set FromCollection = result

End Function

Public Function FromEnumerable(ByVal values As System.Enumerable) As LinqEnumerable
Attribute FromEnumerable.VB_Description = "Creates a new instance by copying elements of a System.Enumerable instance."

    Dim result As LinqEnumerable
    result.Concat values
    Set FromEnumerable = result

End Function
Public Function FromList(ByVal values As System.List) As LinqEnumerable
Attribute FromList.VB_Description = "Creates a new instance by copying elements of a System.List instance."

    Dim result As New LinqEnumerable
    result.AddList values
    Set FromList = result

End Function
Public Function FromArray(ByVal values() As Variant) As LinqEnumerable
Attribute FromList.VB_Description = "Creates a new instance by copying elements of a System.List instance."

    Dim result As New LinqEnumerable
    result.AddArray values
    Set FromList = result

End Function

#2 楼

您可以伪造重载,这样做将使API更加友好。首先,将FirstWhereLastWhere设为私有。然后向FirstLast添加可选参数。只需检查predicate Is Nothing是否存在,请调用适当的private方法,否则运行返回First / Last的代码。

Public Function First(Optional ByVal predicate As Delegate) As Variant
Attribute First.VB_Description = "Returns the first element in the sequence. If passed a predicate, returns the first element that matches the criteria."

    If Not predicate Is Nothing Then 
        First = FirstWhere(predicate)
        Exit Function
    End If

    If Count = 0 Then Exit Function

    If IsObject(Item(1)) Then
        Set First = Item(1)
        First = Item(1)
    End If

End Function


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