即时通讯无法提取中兴zxv10 h201路由器的文件系统。我是反向工程的初学者,所以我可能做错了什么。到目前为止,这是我所做的。

BusyBox v1.01 (2012.01.29-08:14+0000) Built-in shell (ash)
Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.

# cat proc/mtd 
dev:    size   erasesize  name
mtd0: 00800000 00010000 "whole_flash"
mtd1: 00020000 00010000 "bootloader"
mtd2: 00040000 00010000 "userconfig"
mtd3: 00150000 00010000 "kernel"  
mtd4: 00650000 00010000 "filesystem"
# help

Built-in commands:
    . : break cd chdir continue eval exec exit export false hash
    help local pwd read readonly return set shift times trap true
    type ulimit umask unset wait [ ash brctl busybox cat cp date
    df echo free fuser getty hostname ifconfig init insmod kill killall
    linuxrc ln login ls lsmod mkdir mknod mount mv passwd ping ps
    pwd reboot rm rmdir rmmod setmac sh test tftp top traceroute
    umount wget



# cat /dev/mtdblock4 > /mnt/usb1_1/filesystem
# cat /dev/mtdblock0 > /mnt/usb1_1/whole_flash

binwalk whole_flash

1288          0x508           CFE boot loader
7204          0x1C24          LZMA compressed data, properties: 0x5D, dictionary size: 4194304 bytes, missing uncompressed size
131708        0x2027C         Zlib compressed data, compressed
148092        0x2427C         Zlib compressed data, compressed
184956        0x2D27C         PEM RSA private key
185919        0x2D63F         PEM certificate
197244        0x3027C         Zlib compressed data, compressed
262780        0x4027C         Zlib compressed data, compressed
328316        0x5027C         Zlib compressed data, compressed
328640        0x503C0         Zlib compressed data, compressed
328844        0x5048C         Zlib compressed data, compressed
346480        0x54970         Zlib compressed data, compressed
346956        0x54B4C         Zlib compressed data, compressed
347388        0x54CFC         Zlib compressed data, compressed
347820        0x54EAC         Zlib compressed data, compressed
348252        0x5505C         Zlib compressed data, compressed
348684        0x5520C         Zlib compressed data, compressed
393484        0x6010C         LZMA compressed data, properties: 0x5D, dictionary size: 4194304 bytes, missing uncompressed size
1769472       0x1B0000        Squashfs filesystem, big endian, version 2.0, size: 5866724 bytes, 638 inodes, blocksize: 65536 bytes, created: Sun Jan 29 09:31:45 2012

我遇到的文件系统二进制文件问题因为固件修改工具包中的unsquashfs版本中的任何一个都不对我“正常”工作,因为我得到的文件总价值为307.0 kB。


您尝试过sasquatch吗? github.com/devttys0/sasquatch


#1 楼

我有相同的设备,您可以尝试为该设备编译的这个busybox,只需键入./busybox_unstripped dd即可使用dd

BusyBox v1.13.4 (2017-03-09 17:30:22 CET) multi-call binary
Copyright (C) 1998-2008 Erik Andersen, Rob Landley, Denys Vlasenko
and others. Licensed under GPLv2.
See source distribution for full notice.

Usage: busybox [function] [arguments]...
   or: function [arguments]...

        BusyBox is a multi-call binary that combines many common Unix
        utilities into a single executable.  Most people will create a
        link to busybox for each function they wish to use and BusyBox
        will act like whatever it was invoked as!

Currently defined functions:
        ash, bunzip2, bzcat, cat, cp, cut, date, dd, echo, expr, false, free,
        grep, halt, head, hostname, ifconfig, init, ip, kill, killall, klogd,
        ln, ls, mkdir, mount, ping, poweroff, ps, reboot, renice, rm, route,
        sh, sleep, syslogd, tail, true, umount, wc


#2 楼

您不应该使用“ cat”。 “ cat”被考虑为可打印字符,这很可能是您的问题。 “ cat”之后可能会弄乱某些东西,从而导致文件系统识别方面的麻烦。

使用“ dd”进行可靠的逐字节复制。





– DarkLighting

抱歉,这是胡扯。 'cat'逐字节复制。 dd的优点在于,可以使用可变的块大小来阻止i / o,并且在错误检查方面做得更好。

–贡特拉姆·布洛姆(Guntram Blohm)


– DarkLighting