#1 楼
使用市场应用程序,例如“权限看门狗”或“权限”。另外,还有其他几个。#2 楼
我最终使用而不是“权限”使用的另一个应用程序是“ RL权限”。我更喜欢界面。至于哪一个更好,我不知道。#3 楼
aSpotCat还是一个用于权限审核的好应用。#4 楼
权限友好的应用程序将按需求最高到最低要求的顺序列出已安装的应用程序。 (不过,它实际上并不会跟踪,审核或调整其行为。)#5 楼
由于问题中未提及Android版本,因此我提出了与Android 4.2.1及更高版本相关的基于命令行的答案。理想情况下,这是独立于OS的解决方案,即PC上的OS。依赖项
adb push LOCAL_FILE /data/local/tmp/ # LOCAL_FILE is the file path where busybox binary is located in PC
需要aapt二进制文件。如果您正在运行CM或其派生ROM,请忽略此要求。否则,对于Android 4.x,您可以考虑从此处下载二进制文件,将二进制文件重命名为aapt,为每个二进制文件设置与Linux兼容的可执行权限,然后使用
adb push LOCAL_FILE /data/local/tmp/ # LOCAL_FILE is the file path where busybox binary is located in PC .
对于Android 5.x用户,请向Google寻求帮助。
#!/system/bin/sh # Check if the busybox binary exists under /data/local/tmp/ or /system/xbin. Set the detected binary's path into the variable busybox or exit if file doesn't exist or executable permission not set [[ -x /data/local/tmp/busybox ]] && busybox=/data/local/tmp/busybox || { [[ -x /system/xbin/busybox ]] && busybox=/system/xbin/busybox || { printf "busybox binary not found or executable permission not set. Exiting\n" && exit; }; } # Check if the aapt binary exists under /data/local/tmp or /system/bin or /system/xbin. Set the detected binary's path into the variable aapt or exit if file doesn't exist or executable permission not set [[ -x /data/local/tmp/aapt ]] && aapt=/data/local/tmp/aapt || { [[ -x /system/bin/aapt ]] && aapt=/system/bin/aapt || { [[ -x /system/xbin/aapt ]] && aapt=/system/xbin/aapt || { printf "aapt binary not found or executable permission not set. Exiting\n" && exit; }; }; } # List package name of all the installed apps and save them in the file packages.txt under /sdcard pm list packages | $busybox sed 's/^package://g' | $busybox sort -o /sdcard/packages.txt # For each package name in the output we just saved, get the app's label using $path and $label, print a line and then finally list the permissions granted to the app while read line; do path=$(pm path $line | $busybox sed 's/^package://g'); label=$($aapt d badging $path | $busybox grep 'application: label=' | $busybox cut -d "'" -f2); $busybox printf "Permissions for app $label having package name $line\n"; dumpsys package $line | $busybox sed -e '1,/grantedPermissions:/d' -e '/^\s*$/,$d' | $busybox sort; $busybox printf "\n"; done < /sdcard/packages.txt
Permissions for app DisableService having package name cn.wq.disableservice android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE Permissions for app Indecent Xposure having package name co.vanir.indecentxposure android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED Permissions for app Tags having package name com.android.apps.tag android.permission.CALL_PHONE android.permission.NFC android.permission.READ_CONTACTS android.permission.WAKE_LOCK android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS ... ... Permissions for app Themes Provider having package name org.cyanogenmod.themes.provider android.permission.ACCESS_NOTIFICATIONS android.permission.ACCESS_THEME_MANAGER android.permission.INTERNET android.permission.READ_THEMES android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS android.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS android.permission.WRITE_THEMES
的文件中,并使用adb push LOCAL_FILE /sdcard/ # LOCAL_FILE is the path where you saved that file into PC
adb shell sh /sdcard/perm_script.sh > OUTPUT_FILE # OUTPUT_FILE is the path where you want to save the final output
–丹尼斯·尼古拉连科(Denis Nikolaenko)
2010-12-02 13:49
2010-12-24 14:30在
–丹尼斯·尼古拉连科(Denis Nikolaenko)
2010-12-27 13:26
@Nikolaenko,我想我不清楚,因为我不清楚。我正在运行cyanogenmod 6,android 2.2,并且几乎所有应用都要求您隐式授予链接声明的权限。因此,我不知道是谁更改了此设置(cyanogen或android团队)。
2010-12-27 14:45