我试图使用inscount0 pintool(https://software.intel)在32位Windows应用程序中强行破解密码(这是http://www.flare-on.com/files/2015_FLAREOn_Challenges.zip的挑战9) .com / zh-CN / articles / pin-a-dynamic-binary-instrumentation-tool)和Powershell。这是可能的,因为实际上是在代码中逐个字母地检查了密码。如果一个字母正确,则程序继续到第二个字母(依此类推),但是如果一个字母不正确,则程序终止。困难来自于以下事实:应用程序以交互方式提示输入密码,而不是将其作为可执行文件的参数传递。


add-type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms

for($i=32; $i -le 126; $i++){

  # "I" is the first known letter of password
  $pass_guess = "I" + [char]$i + ".........."

  # Launch pin
  Start-Process -FilePath pin.exe -ArgumentList '-t inscount0.dll -- ch9.exe'

  # send user input
  start-sleep -Milliseconds 500

  # Read content of count in file
  start-sleep -Milliseconds 500
  Write-Output $pass_guess
  Get-Content .\inscount.out


它实际上可以正常工作,这是通过“ I”确认密码的第一个字母的输出:

PS C:\pin> .\myscript.ps1
Count 32890
Count 32852
Count 32890

实际上,对“ I”的检查是由程序以与其他字母不同的指令数量执行的。





@blabb:运行正常。我已经成功更新了脚本。 Thx

#1 楼


Start-process -FilePath ".\XXXXXXX" -ArgumentList "xxxx yyy ddd" -NoNewWindow


下面的一个简单的windbg oneliner

cdb -c "bp 401a9f \".printf \\"%c\\",@al;gc\";g;q" flachal9.exe
0:000> cdb: Reading initial command 'bp 401a9f ".printf \"%c\",@al;gc";g;q'
I have evolved since the first challenge. You have not. Bring it.
Enter the password> abracadabragiligilichoobabygiligilichooyammayammabooo
abracadabragiligilichoobabygiligilichooyaYou are failure


cdb -c "bp 401ad5 \".printf \\"%02x \\",@ah;gc\";g;q" flachal9.exe
0:000> cdb: Reading initial command 'bp 401ad5 ".printf \"%02x \",@ah;gc";g;q'
I have evolved since the first challenge. You have not. Bring it.
Enter the password> abracadabragiligilichoobabygiligilichooyammayammabooo

46 15 f4 bd ff 4c ef 46 eb e6 b2 eb f1 c4 34 67 39 b5 8e ef 40 1b 74 0d 60 26 45
 a8 4a 96 c9 65 e2 32 60 64 8c 65 e3 8e 9f You are failure


cdb -c "bp 401b14 \".printf \\"%02x \\",@cl;gc\";g;q" flachal9.exe
0:000> cdb: Reading initial command 'bp 401b14 ".printf \"%02x \",@cl;gc";g;q'
I have evolved since the first challenge. You have not. Bring it.
Enter the password> abracadabragiligilichoobabygiligilichooyammayammabooo

56 f5 ac 1b b5 93 7e b8 23 da 0a f2 01 61 5c c8 4c d6 16 55 67 b8 c1 f8 bc 11 fa
 9b 6b f9 d4 75 87 ca ce be 4e 6e f1 b9 6e You are failure


cdb -c "bp 401b14 \".printf \\"%02x \\",by(@ebx+@esp+2c);gc\";g;q" flachal9.exe
0:000> cdb: Reading initial command 'bp 401b14 ".printf \"%02x \",by(@ebx+@esp+2c);gc";g;q'
I have evolved since the first challenge. You have not. Bring it.
Enter the password> abracadabragiligilichoobabygiligilichooyammayammabooo

c3 cc ba 4e f2 eb 27 19 c6 42 06 16 5d 53 55 0e 66 f4 f9 30 9a 77 56 6b f0 8e dc
 2e 50 e1 5a 80 48 5d 53 c2 b8 d2 01 c3 bc You are failure


keygen src

#include <stdio.h>
#include <intrin.h>
unsigned char xorseed[] = {
   70, 21,244,189,255, 76,239, 70,235,230,178,235,241,196, 52,103, 57,181,142,239, 64,
   27,116, 13, 96, 38, 69,168, 74,150,201,101,226, 50, 96,100,140,101,227,142,159,  0
//array contains original bytes  % 20
unsigned char rolseed[] = {
  22, 21, 12, 27, 21, 19, 30, 24,  3, 26, 10, 18,  1,  1, 28,  8, 12, 22, 22, 21,  7,
  24,  1, 24, 28, 17, 26, 27, 11, 25, 20, 21,  7, 10, 14, 30, 14, 14, 17, 25, 14,  0  
unsigned char cmpseed[] = {
  195,204,186, 78,242,235, 39, 25,198, 66, 06, 22, 93, 83, 85, 14,102,244,249, 48,154,
  119, 86,107,240,142,220, 46, 80,225, 90,128, 72, 93, 83,194,184,210, 01,195,188,  0  
unsigned char key[50] ={0};
int main (void) {
  for(int i = 0; i<42;i++) {
   key[i] = _rotr8(cmpseed[i],rolseed[i]) ^ xorseed[i];
  return 0;  



–塞巴斯蒂安·达马耶(Sebastien Damaye)